We hope this New Year finds you healthy and happy. We rang the New Year in style this year! Not usually New Year's people, I'm fine with either staying home or just hanging out at
someone's house, we had the opportunity to do it up right this year. I figure you only live once so why not take advantage and jump right in! We went to a Toddler Dance Party! Yes, I said "Toddler", it was really "Kid". Our friends the Myers' and their family put on the dance party. It was at Knights of Columbus and there was even a DJ. Everyone brought something to share for dinner and the tables were decked out with party hats, noise makers, candy, coloring books, crayons, puzzles, play-do and many other fun things.
Kaylee after having her face painted.

Kaylee and Anisley taking a dance break.

Some of the dancing that was going on early in the evening.

Kaylee busting out some her air-guitar moves.

Daddy getting down with Ainsley on his shoulders. She had the best view in the house.

Kaitlyn and Kaylee with their noise makers. They kept putting the ends together and blowing them.

Kaylee also enjoyed going around a blowing her noisemaker for others. Here she is demonstrating to Trey and Kaysyn.

At 8:00 pm we counted down and the balloons dropped as we rang in 2009. We heard a variety of music. Everything from Pink to country to
Beyonce and Madonna to Dora and Mickey Mouse to the Chicken Dance and Hokey
Awaiting the countdown to begin...........

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Here comes the balloons.....

The kids had so much fun and this was one of the best New Year's I've had. Kaylee was a dancing machine and went up to any child or adult and asked them to dance. Ainsley was right out there too. Once the disco ball turned on she was really
mesmerised and I had to try to keep her from trying to pick-up the light reflections from the floor.
What a great idea! Thanks Myers and Mouser Families. We had so much fun!