I have been wanting, and needing, to update our blog for quite sometime. I finally have a little time today, however don't have access to the photos I need. So, I thought I would do a little
story time. The girls continue to grow and change on a daily basis. As they do there are some funny, and not so funny, moments that come too. I thought I would share some examples:
Story #1 (and the most recent as it happened last night):
I put the girls to bed. Ainsley first, then Kaylee. It wouldn't matter if I had Kaylee go to the bathroom every 5 minutes the hour before she went to bed she would still come out, minutes after I have left her room, to ask to use the bathroom. So as part of our "normal" routine, I left her room, walked into mine and was about to go downstairs when I hear her door open, and there she is asking to go to the bathroom. I say "yes", she heads into the bathroom in our room (for some reason this is the upstairs bathroom of choice, probably because it's farther away from her room and therefore allows her to be out of her room longer than if she would use the one in the hallway by her room). I am now in the kitchen and can hear Ainsley, in her room, right above me, doing her nightly antics in her room, while she is suppose to be sleeping. All of a sudden I hear a very loud crash. I head back upstairs and as I get closer I can hear Kaylee crying. Honestly, my first thought was she was sitting on the toilet playing around and fell off. I walk in my room and she comes out of the bathroom. Here's how the conversation goes:
Me: Kaylee, what happened?
Kaylee: I broke something. (crying)
Me: Take a breath...what did you break?
Kaylee: (still crying) I didn't mean to.
Me: What did you break?
Kaylee: (walks into bathroom to show me as I follow and points to wall): that.
Me: (looking at the wall, by the shower where a towel rack use to be, but now only one of the rod holders is still in place), how did that happen?
Kaylee: I didn't mean to.
Me: I understand that, but how did that happen?
Kaylee: I was swinging on it.
So we went down to tell Daddy. We all had a
discussion on how we don't swing on things like that, and thanked her for being honest, and restated that it's important to be honest and take accountability for wrong choices. Then she went to bed.
Story #2:
Daddy decides to go for a walk on one of the trails in our subdivision. He asked the girls if anyone wanted to go on a walk through the timber. Ainsley agreed. She was down in the basement playing and came upstairs, when she came up she had brought a toy with her.
Ainsley: I ready to go.
Daddy: What's that?
Ainsley: It's Diego animal rescuer for the animals.
Daddy: Are you taking it with us?
Ainsley: Yes, I rescue the animals from the forest.
Ok, let's go.
Upon their return:
Me: How was the walk?
Daddy: Good.
Me: Ainsley did you see any animals?
Ainsley: No, baby jaguar was in the trees.
Me: Did you rescue him?
Ainsley: NO! I said baby jaguar was in the trees.
She can be a bit bossy and a bit blunt.