Here we go:
Dear Daddy/A.K.A-Daddy Michaels,
We love you as our Daddy, because you like to make us smoothies and good food to eat. You're a good cooker. You fish with us, take walks and teach us stuff about the things we find. You let us help you in the garden and run with you. You like to listen to music and we do too. You help coach Kaylee's baseball team which makes it more fun. You always make sure we are safe. We are thankful for you Daddy!!! Love, Kaylee and Ainsley (Mommy too:))
Dear Grandpa Duffy (Mommy's Daddy),
First Mommy: I love you Dad! I'm thankful and blessed to have you as my Dad. You are always ready to help out no matter what I need and sometimes just knowing that makes things OK. You are patient and understanding (more so than I could probably ever be) and you never hold a grudge (again something that is not so much my strength:)). However seeing you exhibit those traits definitely makes me want to continue to strive to be a better and better me. When I tend to get worked up and stressed over things you help to put things in perspective and bring me down from the edge. I thank you for this and all you do. Love you!
From the girls: Grandpa we love you and are thankful you are our Grandpa. You are funny and make us laugh. You like to tickle us as the Tickle Monster and you get us doughnuts. You let us swim in your pool and take us to Chuck E Cheese. Thank you, Grandpa!
Dear Paw-Paw:
First Mommy: Tim, I am very thankful to have you as part of my family. No matter how much of a snot I was growing up you always stood by me. You have stuck up for me, shown your faith in me, and most importantly treated me as your own. Thank you for that and all that you do. Thank you for seeing me for me and treating me as so. There has never been any underlining meaning or misunderstanding in things you have ever said or done. Even when my opinion may have disagreed with yours you always understood where I was coming from and never held it against me. You treat my girls with the same love and commitment. You are always ready to come over and help out and asking for them to come keep you company. It means a lot to see you with them and the special relationship you have. I love you.
From the girls: Paw-Paw T-Dogg we are lucky to have you as our Paw-Paw because you always let us play on your tractors and in your shed. You have tickle fights with us and make us popcorn. You let us ride on the four-wheeler and help us. You let us have fun in Florida. We love you!
Dear Grandpa Bentley:
From Mommy: You are a special Father-n-Law. I always enjoy your special gifts that you get for us girls. You are so thoughtful. You introduced me to Carl's Ice Cream, Fiesta, Margaritas and you keep Brad busy and out of my hair:) Thank you for all you do for us, your time, and all the things you have helped us to fix. I love you.
Dear Grandpa Bentley: We love you and are glad you are our grandpa. You share your chocolate with us and help us to fish. You let us play on the boat and come to your work and play on your tractors. We love you!!
Love, The Girls