Dear Ainsley Isabella,
Today is your birthday! You are 5 years old and so excited about it!! We have been counting down for the past week, although I think you have been counting down since your last birthday:). Seems like not so long ago, much less than 5 years, you came into this world. It was May 1st, 2007 at 8:09 a.m. to be exact. You were such a little tot, 6lbs. 15oz. You have many nicknames which started with Baby A. While that name has been gone for sometime you have gained many other nicknames, such as Sassy, Sass, Sassafrass, Ainser-Painser, Panner-Lou and there are probably a few others.

You have always been a happy kid. You love to laugh and laugh often. Your Daddy has deemed you the "Happiest kid in America." Not to say you don't have your unhappy times, because you can certainly let us know when you aren't happy. You are our little daredevil and you love to try new things, even things that maybe we would rather you not try, like jumping off your playhouse. I think you want to play every sport there is and probably want to wear your ballet outfit while playing.

You are also a talker. Daddy always comments on the amount of funny things you say and how when someone talks as much as you there is bound to be a lot of funny things that come out of your mouth. I sometimes describe you as "living with a backseat driver." You aren't afraid to tell us what you think. You never mean anything hurtful by what you say, you just like to share your feelings on things. All things. Like making sure Daddy or Mommy are driving the speed limit, making sure I have my keys before locking the car, explaining to Kaylee how she should eat, and so on.
Time has gone fast. It seems that you were born and before I knew it you were 3 and starting Montessori. You have grown a lot over the past 2 years and you are so excited to go to Kindergarten. You are reading already, you love to do your spelling tests when Daddy is practicing Kaylee's spelling words in the morning before school, and you love Math!

You put a smile on my face and in my heart everyday! You are generous with your hugs and kisses, and although our bedtime routine has gone from me reading you stories to you reading to me I still love those moments laying with you before you go to sleep. I love watching you clomp around in my shoes and wear your dress-up clothes. You love to play with your babies and with your dollhouse. You are a true gem my Ainsley Isabella. I am so blessed to be your Mommy, or Mama (as you often like to call me) and I look forward to watching you continue to grow. I think that one of the reasons God blessed me with you is because you shine positivity on me everyday and it's a bright reminder of the important things in life. You help me with my perspective and help me to focus on what really matters, and who really matters. You are a special little girl and I thank you for completing our family and I hope that all of your birthday wishes come true!!!
Happy 5th Birthday! I love you!!!!