Tonight, the last night in November, I sit in my room with the TV in the background showing Four Chrismtases (Side note I love Reese Witherspoon....also surprised I'm not watching my Petyon and the Broncos on the night game). As I sit here in chaos, as things are messy in this house as we prepare for the packers to arrive tomorrow and I've separated out items that will stay here with the girls and I over the next month, I find myself reflecting. Maybe if I reflect now I'll be able to sleep later...OK maybe not, but a girl can dream right?
This is the last night in a house I spent 1/2 my adolescence in. A house I lived with my husband in. A house I brought home 2 babies and 3 dogs in. A house that holds memories of a childhood family and an adult family. I'm thankful for this house.
This house has seen every birthday party with family for my children. This house has hosted Christmas for our family ever since my children were born. I'm thankful for this house and those that have helped me to create memories for my children.
The last 2 months have been a bit of a blur. Finding out we are moving, completing the paperwork, looking for a new house and working to sell this house. This house I'm so thankful for.
As Brad and I talked tonight, discussing our game plan for the next couple days of packing before he and our things go down to GA, I realized it's not so much the house I'm thankful for but the people who have shared it with us. I'm sure I've always known this, but tonight it seemed more clear to me.
The last few weeks I've been overcome by the kindness of others. Play dates and sleepovers with friends for Kaylee and Ainsley. For Brad and I the lunches, get togethers, happy hour, unexpected gifts and cards and overall well wishes of those who are friends and family. Those who have expressed their feelings for us. Those who have helped us to create memories. Those who will hopefull visit in our new home and help us create more memories.
I think of loved ones who have been such a huge part of our lives here that we have lost. I think of what fun it would be for them to visit our new home. I realize that in their own way they will be there to watch over us in our new community.
In this November I'm thankful for our blessings. I'm thankful for our memories. I'm thankful for the opportunity to make new memories as we embark on a new adventure. Most important I'm thankful for the friends and family (you know who you are) that have shared these crazy last few months with us, those that have supported us, reassured us and talked with us. I'm thankful for the 3 other people, my people, that live in this house with me. That are sharing this last night in this house with me. The 3 other people embarking on the new adventure with me and that no matter where we are will be making new memories with me and have taught me that it doesn't matter the "house" it's all about the love. I'm thankful for that, not just in November, but everyday.
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Dear Kaylee McKenna,
Happy 9th birthday! Nine years ago today our lives were forever changed. We became your parents. What an amazing day! How is it that 9 years have passed by so quickly? While I know all the rage is next year when you make it to those double digits, 9 to me is pretty significant. We are 1/2 way to 18.
In the past 9 years we have watched you learn to do lots of things, eat on your own, walk, run, jump, dress yourself, tie your shoes, ride a bike, dance, cartwheel, read, add, subtract, multiply, spell and the list goes on. In the next 9 years we will watch you continue to excel in dance and school, as well as watch you learn to drive, hold a job, graduate high school and go on to college. I'm full of pride and sadness all at the same time.
We are so proud you for your work in school and dedication to dance.
We are so thankful for your quirky and fun personality.
We are blessed to have the title of your Daddy and Mommy.
We look forward to see what 9 brings!!
XOXO-Love you forever!!
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Happy Mother's Day
Today is Mother's Day. Whether you are a Mom, Step-Mom or Grandma, this day is for you. Yes it's a day of appreciation for all your hard work. It's also a day to acknowledge we are all in the same club, we can all relate to what it is to be a "Mom".
We know the feeling of getting to dance class, sport game or practice, or whatever the activity may be and realizing we have left the shoes, gear, or whatever equipment was needed at home.
We know the tiring days when we were new Moms, still trying to figure this whole Mom thing out with very little sleep. Laundry that never ended and a house that looked like a bad episode of Hoarders. That realization that life really did change by something so incredibly small.
We know the feeling of our heart breaking because we see our child's heart break. The feeling of wanting our child to never feel pain or sadness and the exhaustiveness of realizing that would never be something we could accomplish.
We know the feeling of never being able to go to the bathroom, take a shower or bath, alone.
We know the feeling of embarrassment when our child asks why the large man behind us in line at the grocery store has such a big tummy, or when they decide to reorganize the cereal aisle of the grocery store, or take off every pair of sunglasses on the rack, or decides to scream and throw silverware on the floor because they don't want to wait any longer for their food.
We know the feeling of so much pride we thought we would burst when seeing our child accomplish a new task, watch them run off the school bus yelling with excitement because they were elected to Student Council or got an A on a test, or hearing someone speak kind words about our child.
We know how blessed we are to relive the magic of childhood and innocence by seeing all things for the first time, again, through our child's eyes.
For some of you, who have been a part of this club for a long time, know of more joys, pains and fears then some of us who haven't been a member for quite as long.
Maybe your are a Grandma, or maybe your a Mom whose children are grown, but not so grown to have a family of their own.
To you, we say thank you. We look up to you. We learn from your victories and we learn from your failures. You showed us sacrifice, love, discipline, determination, patience, faith, hope and many other attributes needed in order to join this club. You have helped us grow into the women we are now and you most certainly help us be the best Moms we can be.
Thank you just doesn't seem to be enough to truly encompass what we have learned, about you, when we joined this club. So I hope that you understand what is truly behind those words "Thank You" those words come from our hearts and our souls. May your day be filled with love, admiration and appreciation...and maybe a margarita, wine, or whatever that drink is that lets you sit back and relax.
From us newbies to all of you experience Moms Happy Mothers Day! We love you, we respect you, we appreciate you and we would never be able to do this without you!
We know the feeling of getting to dance class, sport game or practice, or whatever the activity may be and realizing we have left the shoes, gear, or whatever equipment was needed at home.
We know the tiring days when we were new Moms, still trying to figure this whole Mom thing out with very little sleep. Laundry that never ended and a house that looked like a bad episode of Hoarders. That realization that life really did change by something so incredibly small.
We know the feeling of our heart breaking because we see our child's heart break. The feeling of wanting our child to never feel pain or sadness and the exhaustiveness of realizing that would never be something we could accomplish.
We know the feeling of never being able to go to the bathroom, take a shower or bath, alone.
We know the feeling of embarrassment when our child asks why the large man behind us in line at the grocery store has such a big tummy, or when they decide to reorganize the cereal aisle of the grocery store, or take off every pair of sunglasses on the rack, or decides to scream and throw silverware on the floor because they don't want to wait any longer for their food.
We know the feeling of so much pride we thought we would burst when seeing our child accomplish a new task, watch them run off the school bus yelling with excitement because they were elected to Student Council or got an A on a test, or hearing someone speak kind words about our child.
We know how blessed we are to relive the magic of childhood and innocence by seeing all things for the first time, again, through our child's eyes.
For some of you, who have been a part of this club for a long time, know of more joys, pains and fears then some of us who haven't been a member for quite as long.
Maybe your are a Grandma, or maybe your a Mom whose children are grown, but not so grown to have a family of their own.
To you, we say thank you. We look up to you. We learn from your victories and we learn from your failures. You showed us sacrifice, love, discipline, determination, patience, faith, hope and many other attributes needed in order to join this club. You have helped us grow into the women we are now and you most certainly help us be the best Moms we can be.
Thank you just doesn't seem to be enough to truly encompass what we have learned, about you, when we joined this club. So I hope that you understand what is truly behind those words "Thank You" those words come from our hearts and our souls. May your day be filled with love, admiration and appreciation...and maybe a margarita, wine, or whatever that drink is that lets you sit back and relax.
From us newbies to all of you experience Moms Happy Mothers Day! We love you, we respect you, we appreciate you and we would never be able to do this without you!
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Happy Birthday Ainsley!!!
*I thought I had the scheduled to be posted on her birthday, however my schedule apparently did not stick.
Dear Ainsley Isabella,
Today you turn 7!! Can you believe it? You have been quite excited about turning 7 and have been counting down for almost a month. You are almost done with your first grade year. You have been noted a lot for talking this year in class:). That's you, a definite talker. You like to be mischievous, though not out of malice, just out of curiosity and well meant fun.
You love to tell jokes and be funny. You have a goofy personality and you are so full of life. You have an amazing spirit! You like to be in charge and you like to let people know when they could be doing something better:). You may be small but you are mighty, our little sassafras. You don't give up and you will always find a way to achieve something.
You are always on the go. You love to play outside, ride your bike, roller skate, swing or just run! You have decided this year to run with Daddy and try to train to run some races. You love to eat mac and cheese, especially with hamburger mixed in, you love spaghetti and meatballs and you love chocolate. You like to watch Spongebob and Full House and you like to listed to the Frozen soundtrack.
Words cannot express the joy you bring in to my and Daddy's life each day. You are one of the things that lets me know this world is really good. You are a blessing and we couldn't be more proud of our youngest daughter.
Thank you for making us laugh and keeping us on our toes. We can't wait to see what the next year will bring!
Today you turn 7!! Can you believe it? You have been quite excited about turning 7 and have been counting down for almost a month. You are almost done with your first grade year. You have been noted a lot for talking this year in class:). That's you, a definite talker. You like to be mischievous, though not out of malice, just out of curiosity and well meant fun.
You love to tell jokes and be funny. You have a goofy personality and you are so full of life. You have an amazing spirit! You like to be in charge and you like to let people know when they could be doing something better:). You may be small but you are mighty, our little sassafras. You don't give up and you will always find a way to achieve something.
You are always on the go. You love to play outside, ride your bike, roller skate, swing or just run! You have decided this year to run with Daddy and try to train to run some races. You love to eat mac and cheese, especially with hamburger mixed in, you love spaghetti and meatballs and you love chocolate. You like to watch Spongebob and Full House and you like to listed to the Frozen soundtrack.
Words cannot express the joy you bring in to my and Daddy's life each day. You are one of the things that lets me know this world is really good. You are a blessing and we couldn't be more proud of our youngest daughter.
Thank you for making us laugh and keeping us on our toes. We can't wait to see what the next year will bring!
XOXO-Love you forever!!
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
It's been awhile since I last blogged and perhaps not the first blog I anticipated writing in getting back into blogging, but it's one that needs to be written.
I've been blessed, in my life, to have known some strong women. Women who have taught me a lot, women who have been wonderful role models. Fortunately my children have been blessed by having many of these same women in their life. For this blog I'd like to share a story of one such woman.
As a young girl this woman lost her Mom. This girl fought and showed strength as she worked hard in school and to help care for her father and brother and she loved them with all her heart.
She grew into a young women and was strong and independent as she made her way in world. She met a boy and they fell in love. She loved him and she fought for their love. They were blessed to have found one another.
They married and wanted a family. She fought. She was strong. She loved. She was blessed. She was blessed with 2 beautiful children; a son and a daughter.
She loved these children, she loved her family. She made their days special and filled holidays with things like heart pancakes on Valentine's Day and green milk for St. Patrick's Day. She traveled to countless ballgames and music concerts. She taught them to be strong. She taught them to fight. She taught them to love.
Those children grew-up and they were strong. They fought and they became independent adults and made their way in this world.
One of those children became a nurse and made her life in the big city. She went on to continue her schooling to get her Masters. That child was strong. That child fought. That child loved, she loved to help others and she loved her family and to help care for her Mom.
Her other child also made a career for himself, got married and had a family of his own. He was strong. He fought. He loved. He loved his family and he loved his Mom.
The woman loved her family. She took pride and joy in watching them grow-up and in watching her family expand.
One day that woman found out she was sick. She fought. She fought hard. She was strong, showing strength and courage beyond what anyone would think possible. She loved. She loved her family, she fought for her family. Her family fought with her and stayed strong. Her family loved her.
Time passed. One day that woman needed to rest. God needed her to come home. He needed her strength. He needed her courage. She was strong. She was courageous. Her family fought. Her family stayed strong. Her family said their good-byes. She went home.
That woman is now an Angel, watching from above.
We are blessed. We are blessed with strength. We are blessed with love. We are blessed with memories. Our children our blessed with memories and time with a strong woman and role model.
That woman is missed. She is missed more than anyone could know. We stay strong. We fight to understand and we fight to hold the happy memories in our hearts to overcome the sadness. We love. We love her now and we love her always.
We are Blessed.
I've been blessed, in my life, to have known some strong women. Women who have taught me a lot, women who have been wonderful role models. Fortunately my children have been blessed by having many of these same women in their life. For this blog I'd like to share a story of one such woman.
As a young girl this woman lost her Mom. This girl fought and showed strength as she worked hard in school and to help care for her father and brother and she loved them with all her heart.
She grew into a young women and was strong and independent as she made her way in world. She met a boy and they fell in love. She loved him and she fought for their love. They were blessed to have found one another.
They married and wanted a family. She fought. She was strong. She loved. She was blessed. She was blessed with 2 beautiful children; a son and a daughter.
She loved these children, she loved her family. She made their days special and filled holidays with things like heart pancakes on Valentine's Day and green milk for St. Patrick's Day. She traveled to countless ballgames and music concerts. She taught them to be strong. She taught them to fight. She taught them to love.
Those children grew-up and they were strong. They fought and they became independent adults and made their way in this world.
One of those children became a nurse and made her life in the big city. She went on to continue her schooling to get her Masters. That child was strong. That child fought. That child loved, she loved to help others and she loved her family and to help care for her Mom.
Her other child also made a career for himself, got married and had a family of his own. He was strong. He fought. He loved. He loved his family and he loved his Mom.
The woman loved her family. She took pride and joy in watching them grow-up and in watching her family expand.
One day that woman found out she was sick. She fought. She fought hard. She was strong, showing strength and courage beyond what anyone would think possible. She loved. She loved her family, she fought for her family. Her family fought with her and stayed strong. Her family loved her.
Time passed. One day that woman needed to rest. God needed her to come home. He needed her strength. He needed her courage. She was strong. She was courageous. Her family fought. Her family stayed strong. Her family said their good-byes. She went home.
That woman is now an Angel, watching from above.
We are blessed. We are blessed with strength. We are blessed with love. We are blessed with memories. Our children our blessed with memories and time with a strong woman and role model.
That woman is missed. She is missed more than anyone could know. We stay strong. We fight to understand and we fight to hold the happy memories in our hearts to overcome the sadness. We love. We love her now and we love her always.
We are Blessed.
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