So now that I've gotten into the whole blogging thing I thought I should give a quick (well we all know I don't tell any story's or updates quickly) summary of what has been going on with us. I look at my girls and can't believe in 2 mos. I will have a 1 yr. old and a 3 yr. old. Where does the time go? I was looking in my planner from last year (my pocket calendar holds 2 years) and thinking of this time last year and how pregnant I was. A whole year can't have gone by can it? And so much happens in that short amount of time. Numerous friends have had baby #2, and for our friends The Michaels they went from 0 to 4 kids (we love it!). We tend to run into a lot of elderly people when we are at the grocery store who usually will sweetly compliment our kids and they all say enjoy them now because they grow so fast. Now I have to admit during the sleep-deprived newborn phase I thought bring-it-on, but now I'm trying to figure out how to slow them down!
Ainsley is standing on her own and soooo badly wants to just run! She is babbling like crazy and maintains her low-maintance, easy-going attitude. Don't get me wrong she will let us know when she doesn't like something but it takes a lot to get her there. One big item with her is that she would rather eat regular food than baby food. If we are at the table and everyone else is eating regular food she expects to have the same. Anymore it's mostly what we give her, which makes meal time a little less complicated. She eats a lot too! So hopefully when we go for her 1 yr. apt. she'll be above the 20% in weight. She is also really into dancing (bobbing up and down), and waving. We went to the mall last night and she went for her first ride on the merry-go-round (I can take them both now because Kaylee can hold on all by herself) and she waved to everyone the entire time! No one makes her smile like Kaylee. She watches her big sister with much awe!
Kaylee is so good with her. We occasionally have some "sharing" issues that come up now that Ainsley can just crawl on over to her. We also have the moments as this one: Brad put the girls in the tub and was watching in the doorway and Ainsley was continually pulling Kaylee's hair and here's what transpired:
Ainsley pulling Kaylee's hair and Kaylee to Ainsley: Ainsley stop pulling my hair, please stop pulling my hair Ainsley, then big sigh Ainsley you're such a pain in the butt!
Kaylee comes up with some of the craziest things. Brad was teasing her the other day and she said "Daddy you're so full of bologna" What can I say she calls them like she sees them. She is so clever and perceptive. She hears everything and saves it in her memory. Some things she brings up I can't believe she still remembers....I barely remember them. A couple weeks ago when it was nice she was outside with her Dad. She has a little Dora bike that our nephew Koen actually won in a drawing. Well he got a new one last year for his birthday and we got Dora. She is always wanting to "practice" her bike. Now Kaylee is tall but even so can hardly make the peddals go all the way around. It has training wheels and she sits on it and tries to ride it. Well on this particular day she told Brad "Daddy I don't need my stabelizers anymore". He paused for a moment trying to wrap his brain around the fact that she was using the word stabelizers and using it correctly. Who knows where that came from....
She's doing a great job with her potty-training, although we still have some road blocks to get through, and can't wait to start going to school in the fall. I can't believe the time as come for her to go. While she can be quite fisty at times she is very sweet and really helps me out. She's also really into knock-knock jokes right now and does a really good job of telling them. Her favorite is the one with the banana and then you say Orange you glad I didn't say banana. Occasionally she will make her own up.
Brad and I continue to stay busy and just enjoy spending time with the girls. My goal is to hopefully keep this blog up so that those we don't get to see often can keep in touch with us better. With upcoming events such as Easter, birthdays, etc. I'm sure I will have plenty to blog! So hopefully I will maintain my goal!
1 comment:
Yay! Welcome to the blogging family. :-) I'm so excited to have another blog to read and to be able to see pictures of your darling little girls and keep up with you guys this way. I love the blog!
These pictures of the girls are just adorable. I was reading and was like GET OUT...there's no way you'll have a 1 year old and 3 year old. It does go fast. That seems to be my mantra at every milestone, so I really am trying to just live in the moment and enjoy every day with my boys. I loved your bathtime story. I'm sure we'll have lots of that when our boys are able to take baths together. Kaylee sounds like she is so sweet to Ainsley, though. What a doll. They're both adorable and I love the blog. Yay!
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