Saturday, May 24, 2008

Beauty- A Poem by Audrey Hepburn

I came to know this poem through a meeting I went to at work. Audrey Hepburn wrote it and years later it was read at her funeral. Some of you may have heard this before, however it was the first time I had ever heard this poem. I think it speaks volumes about what is really important when talking about "beauty". Many people in society would agree with my thoughts and the meaning within the poem, the sad part is somehow society won't change. Having battled a self-esteem and "beauty" my whole life, and now having 2 daughters this seems like a much bigger issue then ever before. I suppose in life that is how it works, when something seems to only be an issue for you, not as big of a deal as when it becomes a potential issue for someone you love.
I find myself constantly telling my girls I love them and how pretty they are, but I also make it a point to tell them specific reasons why I am proud of them. When I taught I always thought it was important to do the same with students and their parents. Instead of just saying "Joey is doing a great job" I wanted to be specific about what he was doing "great" in. After all when someone is doing something wrong we are very quick to point out what exactly it is they are doing wrong.
I want my girls to know specific things they do that make them "beautiful" (notice I stated things they do, not features they have). I want Kaylee to know I appreciate her ability to remind me of things and her seemingly photographic memory, her willingness to share and how she wants to make Ainsley smile. I want Ainsley to know I appreciate her laid back attitude, her ability to make us laugh, and her willingness to to always go with the flow. As they get older and continue to grow and develop it's attributes such as the above that I want them to be proud of and that I want them to strive to do well in. Yes, grooming and being presentable is important, but I don't want the importance of what society places on a person's looks dictate who they are and what they strive to be. So I will get off of my soapbox and give you what Audrey Hepburn wrote when asked to share "Beauty Tips":

For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.
For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.
For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
For amazing hair, let a child run his/her fingers through it once a day.
For poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never along.
People even more than things have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed and redeemed: never throw out anyone.
Remember that if you ever need a helping hand you will find one at the end of each of your arms. As you grow older you will discover that you have two hands; one for helping yourself and the other for helping others.

One last thought on this; we all know people who truly show this "beauty", make sure you let them know how truly "beautiful" they are! Specifics always mean more then generalizations!

1 comment:

Myra Duffy said...

Thanks for sharing that beautiful and very meaningful poem ... I hadn't seen it before. I agree with the importance of reflecting back to others their beauty. You show your beauty in so many ways in your loving attention and care of family and friends.