Saturday, July 26, 2008

School Days!

Kaylee started Montessori last Monday, July 21. We had taken her "school shopping" after her pre-start day visit. She got to pick out a blanket and pillow to keep on her cot, and a backpack. We showed her the aisle that each item was in and stood back while she made her picks. She picked a basic blue fleece blanket, with circles of various shades of blue and green on it, an Ariel pillow and a Batman backpack. This was not surprising as we are told often that "Batman is my favorite superhero in the whole world!", or she is being Batman. I have to say I was nerveous for the first day as I didn't know what her reaction would be. She was very excited to go, however she kept asking if we would be staying with her. I said that Mommy and Daddy would make sure she was settled and then we would go to work and come get her after work, just as we did at Karen's.
The first day came and we got to Karen's, I took Ainsley inside and she and Brad sat in the van. We got to Montessori and we took her in and the teachers graciously met us and took her. She went right to them and we hung up her backpack and signed her in, I started to get teary eyed so we said a swift "I love you" and "Good-bye" and out we went. As I made it into the car I tried to collect myself between there and work. It is very surreal to be on the parent side. I so vividly remember working there and being pregnant with Kaylee. It just seems impossible that she's old enough to be there as a student.

Kaylee did great. Monday happened to also be her day for News of the Day, it's like show and tell but without showing anything, and she stood up and talked in front of everyone. The teachers have all been so great about texting me throughout the day and giving me updates. It pays to have those connections! I love being back there and getting a chance to see everyone. According to her teachers they couldn't ask for better. It's nice to know she saves her more "spirited" behavior for us.

Kaylee seems to enjoy it. She is a little shy when we pick her up in telling us about her day, but as the evening goes on she will start to open up. I am very excited for her and for all she will experience there. I really believe being in a "classroom" environment will really help her transition into Kindergarten. Not just with being in a structured environment but also, in that environment, with other children and the dynamics that come with that.

Kaylee even made it in time for the annual, summer, bowling trip. So she will get to go bowling for the first time and I am looking forward to signing up as volunteer to go along. This week really hit home that making the sacrifice to go back full-time so that opportunities, like Montessori, are easier achieved and for Kaylee and Ainsley it is worth it a million times over. I truly feel like we are investing in the best future(s) there could be.
A couple photos of Kaylee before we left for her first big day. I tried to get her to stand-up with her back pack on but she would only pose in the chair. Sometimes you have to take what you can get!


Myra Duffy said...

Ah ... Yes .... I remember those first days of school with tears on both sides of the window but also so quickly how the little ones come laughing and bouncing in as their moms leave smiling to begin their days. I too appreciate what the Montessori philosophy offers to little ones and know Kaylee will thrive there. It is probably very comforting for you to be so familiar with the happenings and staff at the school. Cute photos !!!

Christina said...

Oh, I'm so happy to hear that things are going so well for her! I know she will do great there. It's so nice that you have the inside scoop, too! And I love that Gettel texts you updates, that's great! :-)