Thursday, January 1, 2009

Oh Christmas Tree

While this Christmas was probably one of our more exciting, as Kaylee and Ainsley are older and each year get more and more into it, it was also the worst thus far for our tree. The girls were both very excited when we got the decorations out over Thanksgiving weekend. We also found a train to go around the bottom of the tree this year. We had actually gone to Home Depot the day after Thanksgiving as there were some outdoor decorations I wanted but they had sold out of those, so instead we got a train. It's a fun train and has a remote control. The engine lights up and it can play music.
As I said the girls were excited to get the decorations put up and were very "helpful". Kaylee is at an age where she can help with some of the breakable ornaments and is very careful with things. Ainsley is at an age where everything is something fun to get into and is not so careful with things. I have never really been one to put things up that I don't want them to get into as they have to learn to be around things and not touch them. Kaylee seemed to learn this a little easier than Ainsley has. As much as Ainsley is laid back she's also very inquisitive and quite frankly a little wild. Needless to say many ornaments had to be repaired and the train was derailed many a time. I really thought on a couple of occasions that the tree would never make it to Christmas because I would be taking it down. However it did make it to Christmas, but no presents were put under the tree until Christmas Eve when the girls were in bed. This was a little adjustment for me as usually by the second weekend in December I have everything wrapped and put under the tree. I think that will become something of the past, at least for the next few years.

I have added some photos to this post to show you our beloved (or tormented?). Enjoy!!!
Here is our tree. It's hard to see, as the photo is a little dark, but the train is in one piece underneath it.

Soon after I would fix it here is what I would find. This or Ainsley bringing me 1/2 of the track, which she would drag behind her.

Toulie did very well with the tree. She would climb under to watch the train but that was about it. She's so sneaky.

Ainsley the conductor, using the remote to drive the train. She loved to do this and would dance to the music.

This is poor Ainsley when her turn was over. So's so hard to be a little one.

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