Friday, May 21, 2010

Ainsley's Birthday!

Saturday, May 1st was Ainsley's birthday. The night before, after Ainsley went to bed, Kaylee and I wrapped her presents, hung the streamers and blew up the balloons. Kaylee really felt we need to decorate for A's big day. The orange balloons had Dora on them. We love Dora so. The Elmo and Baby Cinderella in the below photo were added by Kaylee as well. These were not new gifts just some accessories Kaylee felt gave it that little something extra.

Of course we had to use our window crayons to put a special message on the deck door for Miss A.

We also put streamers in Ainsley's doorway. When she woke up and opened her door I could see her from my bed and she was a little hesitant to come out until I yelled "Happy Birthday!" We all went downstairs to start the big festivities!

Kaylee offering her assistance to Ainsley.

Trying out Ainsley's new microphone. Ainsley does love to sing and entertain. American Idol watch out!

After presents she wanted to put one of her new dresses on. Then we lit her candles so we could sing "Happy Birthday". Breakfast=Cake, of course!
Brad had the Lake Run that morning and when we returned home, he got cleaned up while the girls and I packed a picnic lunch. Then we headed into town. First stop was the park to eat and play.

Ainsley really enjoyed the red half-sphere that you sit in and you are spun. Personally it makes me sick to even watch it. She LOVES that kind of stuff.

Are you dizzy yet?
After the park we went to get some flowers to plant and then headed home for rest time. For her birthday dinner she chose spaghetti and garlic bread. It was a beautiful day so we were able to eat outside on the deck that night. Then we had more cake and ice cream. It was a great day and we had lots of fun!

Does this girl look like she enjoys life, or what?
Ainsley, we hope you had as much on your birthday as we did!!

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