Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Ainsley's results....
Dr. Rosa, who I love dearly, and I am so thankful for her as our pediatrician, said that since Ainsley is gaining we are fine. Had she stayed the same or lost we would be on to blood tests for her thyroid, etc. As I mentioned earlier she will be there in another month for her 18 mos. appointment so we will be able to continue to monitor her. We will continue what we have been doing, cutting back on milk, giving her the vitamin (which is disgusting...poor thing), and letting her eat all the time.
Dr. Rosa also said that she is meeting all her milestones, active and not one who is sick which is another sign that she is fine. She had a big jump from 12-15 mos. in her height, and the doctor said many times they will have a growth spurt in one direction or the other, but not usually both at the same time.
We are very thankful this is the outcome and thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers on this. She is now legal to be forward facing, although she had been since 12 mos., she now meets the weight requirement. Hopefully she will have a big growth spurt weight wise at her next appointment or at least have added a pound. We will keep you updated, and for now just continue to enjoy our Ainsley. Don't we all wish we had her problem :)
Thursday, October 2, 2008
United Way Fun Run
Here we are getting ready to start the race. I'm not sure what kind of look Kaylee is giving.

We're off! I carried Ainsley most of the way, it was only 1/4 mile, so we could keep up with Kaylee, toward the end Kaylee let go of my hand and was on her own. After she informed me next time I didn't need to run with her and I could just watch her like we watch Daddy because she is a big girl! So now I know :)

Here she is on her own. I'm not sure what kind of look I'm giving in this picture....

We're getting closer to the finish line here. Brad was trying to push the stroller ahead and take photos.

This is Kaylee after the race admiring her medal. They both really liked them and even Ainsley will put it on and walk around with it at home.

Here we are all after the race and the girls with their medals. They both ran across the finish line, I just held both their hands to try to avoid anyone being trampled. We finished in 3 minutes! We are SUPER FAST!!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Sooo Big!
We were sitting in the chair together and I had to get up for something. So I quickly took this because I knew she wouldn't stay there for long!

Ainsley now sits with us at the table instead of her high chair. She's been doing this since August. With Kaylee I seemed to do a long transition from her high chair to a booster. Looking back it seemed silly so we just went straight to the booster. She does so well and seems to really enjoy being at the same level with us. Dinner time with us all together at the table is definitely one of my favorites!

These two photos are typical looks Ainsley likes to give when she's being mischievous. It's like she's saying how could I do something wrong, look how cute I am.
I took this because I was taking "after" photos of the remodeling (to be posted soon...we have paint and new counter tops for kitchen then we are done, it will be done by the bonfire, but the pictures may not be posted :)) She was following me around saying "Cheese", so I took a picture of her, she then likes to see them on the camera.
A few weeks ago our subdivision had it's annual fall garage sale. So trying to sell my baby stuff I participated in it. Ainsley enjoyed climbing in all of the old things that she is too big for now. I will have to find some old photos of her in the swing when she was small enough to do so, although with her weight it may have still swung her because it goes up to 20 or 22 pounds. However it sold so we won't be able to try it.
The same day she was continuously climbing into the walker. Neither of my girls really liked the walker that much, they always preferred the Jumperoo, but now that they don't need it they both seem to like to try to get in it. She would get in, play around for a bit, then I would have to get her out. This went on and on and on and on!
Just to show that the little cutie can find some mischief to get into. She unrolled the toilet paper from the downstairs bathroom all the way to the french doors in the kitchen. She really enjoys unrolling toilet paper and I have to be careful to either close the bathroom doors or keep an eye on her. Kaylee never really got "into" a lot of things she shouldn't or if she did you could usually correct her a couple times and she would stop. Ainsley however is a little more free spirited when it comes to these things. In fact last night I found some bath toys that she had put in their toilet upstairs. Kaylee was going potty and left the door open when left the bathroom and Ainsley seized the moment!
We go in this Friday for her "weigh-in" and Brad and I are confident that all will be just fine. She is always on the go and that makes it difficult to keep weight on! We will keep you posted on the outcome.....