My sister had her baby. Baby Jason made his entrance early, I believe the due date was to be June 23rd. Apparently he just couldn't wait and came on June 1st. He is so tiny! He was 6lbs 6oz when he was born, which is really pretty good considering he was early, but you really forget how little these babies are. Ainsley was 6lbs 15oz when she was born, and got down to 6lbs 4 oz, I believe, but when I held this little guy he seemed like the smallest baby ever.
Coming early also left him without a name for a day. After much debating they decided to make him a junior. So he his named after his dad. Ainsley asks daily, at various times, what baby Jason is doing. So based on the time of day I try to think what my girls would be doing when they were babies and answer with that. It seems to satisfy her so it must be a good plan. Enough of my wordiness you all know you want to see him.
Baby Jason:
Born June 1st, 2010, weighing 6lbs 6oz and 18 1/4 inches long.

Skeyler, my sister's oldest, helping Ainsley hold the baby (nice face Ainsley:)).

Kaylee holding Baby Jason.

Welcome to the family Baby Jason! Just remember to keep your feet off the floor and know that we don't waste food on money and you will fit right in!
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