We are a little over a month into Kindergarten and I am definitely learning a lot! Here is what I have learned so far:
*It's OK to give up that little piece of control, because sending your child to school is a positive thing.
*Even after the first day has passed it doesn't mean you still won't get teary eyed when you think about your baby in school or when you see commercials about school supplies. This still happens to me.
*The plethora of birthday parties continues in Kindergarten, as it did in Pre-school, tonight I will be taking Kaylee to her first Kindergarten friend's birthday.
*My daughter hops off the bus everyday with a huge smile on her face and skips all the way inside. This tells me she loves school.
*Having a Kindergartner like Kaylee means she will now read to me, instead of me to her, or instruct me on when it's my turn to read and when it's my turn listen:)
*Realizing the school has a library in it will be more exciting then learning your going to Disney.
*Riding the bus is AWESOME!
*Having swings on the playground is also pretty cool.
*Everyday expect to see a green paw print. Any other color=EPIC FAIL!! Especially when you are Kaylee.
*Attending PTO meetings is a great way to be involved, taking your husband with you when they will be talking about the budget is a great way to be embarrassed:)
*The preferred lunch is to take your own because your Daddy draws you a picture everyday and sneaks little treats in there like M&M's and Skittles.
*Being a Kindergartner Rules!! To see the first Progress Report with all +'s and "Great Job!" Makes a Mama and a Daddy very proud! It's a great day to be a Bulldog!