The girls were especially excited to be flower girls! We had the rehearsal on Friday and they all did a great job. Saturday was a long day. Ainsley was disappointed that we had to go to the church "again" and we weren't just going to the big party. I explained that we had to go to the church again because Saturday was the real deal, the day before had just been for practice, but the big party would definitely happen after the church.
Ainsley was a little teary eyed coming down the aisle but I think it was a little overwhelming for her, and the organs were a little loud. However the all made it down the aisle and posed for all the needed photos. I would say for two 3 year olds and one 5 year old they did fabulous!
After the church we headed to get some photos at the reception site and then the bridal party headed to Miller Park on the party bus for some more photos and after a couple stops on the way back we made it to the reception. There was much dancing by everyone and lots of fun! What a great day! Thanks Brian and Sarah for letting us share your day!
Sarah giving the flower girls their bracelets after the rehearsal at the church was over.
Kaylee opening her bracelet.
Bridesmaids with Sarah at the rehearsal.
My mom with her siblings, and their wives, also known as the Riker Clan.
Sarah, A.K.A. Little Orphan Annie, getting ready.
The flower girls spending some time playing My Little Ponies before they had to get dressed.
Keeping busy coloring while waiting for the ceremony to start.
Brad and I walking down the aisle.

The Flower Girls

Mr. & Mrs.!!

Running through the bubbles.

The girls and I at the church shortly after the ceremony.

Brad carrying me into the reception as we were being introduced.

Brad, Brad's Dad, Mom and sister Kristin at the reception.

My other little brother, Brandon, and I.

Brandon's girlfriend, Nichole, and I.

Brandon dancing with Sarah during the dollar dance.

Kaylee and Uncle Brandon

Brad, I and the girls.
Brandon and Nichole

Ainsley busting a move.

Kaylee doing some twirling.

Doing the Cha-Cha Slide.

How low can you go?

Amazing photos. Looks like you had a blast!
Looks like a fun time was had by all. Love the dance pictures!!!
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