Thursday, September 1, 2011


Memories, honestly I don't know if that's a good title for this post or not. I've been thinking that I needed to do a post. Lots of random things rattling around in my brain. Really lots of things I could do lots of different posts on, but I'm not. I'm not because lately it's hard to find time to blog. School is back in session and we are re-settling into our school year routine, although thus far it's pretty smooth. My "to-do" lists multiply and I am forever running through them in my mind.

In almost a week, 8 days to be exact, Brad and I will be heading to Mexico! I'm very excited although I'm starting to drift over into the anxiety arena and wondering "Should I really be going?" "What if something happens?" "My poor Mom and Tim!" "Am I asking too much of them to be doing this?" and so on. I wonder where Kaylee gets her anxiety trait from?:) I know it will be fine and while I also know there will be tears when I say bye to the girls, more from me as we are driving after leaving them, I know they will be fine. I know once we get in the air, OK maybe once in Mexico with a drink in my hand:) I'll be fine. I've just never left them this long and honestly even if it's for a night I still go through the same anxiety.

Last week when we lost our sweet black lab Abby, she was 10 1/2, I kept feeling that I needed to post. It was really hard though. She was our wedding gift to each other the spring before we got married. She kept me company many a nights while Brad was traveling for work. She was my snuggle buddy in the winter and would lay on my feet at night to keep them warm. She was one of the most sweet and sensitive dogs I have ever known. We were so blessed to have her as a member of our family. The girls have done well. They were pretty upset the day we lost her, but have done very well since. In fact one morning she and Ainsley were having a discussion about Abby. Ainsley, all 4 years and not really getting death, was asking Brad some questions. Trying to understand where Abby was now that she died. She asked Brad if we could still pet her. To which Kaylee expressed how silly she thought that idea was. Few minutes later Kaylee was looking up at the sky and said "Theoretically if we throw a bone high enough in the sky I bet we can get it to Abby in Heaven." That makes my heart smile and hurt all at the same time. I smile because of the innocent and sincere thought of my 6 year old trying to figure it all out, and there's a little pride mixed in due to her using the word "theoretically" in the appropriate context. My heart hurts because I know it isn't possible, and it reminds me of other's that we've lost. Wouldn't it be great if there was one of those things like they use at bank drive-thrus. We could just put something in it and shoot it up to the sky into Heaven.

I suppose in a way we do, maybe not physically but we do. We do when we have those memories. For example when Kaylee recites one of the million "As Seen on TV" commercials or oohs and aahhs when we get a new catalog. I know my Grandpa Duffy is laughing and feeling prideful of her for her love of catalog orders. It must be something in the Duffy DNA. When Ainsley could just lay in water all day, I think of how my Grandma Riker is joyful in her love of the water. Again must be something in the DNA as my Grandma was an alternate swimmer for one of the Olympic swim teams.

I have a doll in my china cabinet in the living room. It's one my Grandma Duffy gave to me. The girls like to look at it but know they shouldn't open the door to play with her. Although as I am typing I looked over at it and noticed someone has so kindly put a book in there for her to read. Ironically it's a Precious Moments coloring book. The rest of the cabinet is filled with Precious Moments. They know it's from my grandma. The other day Ainsley was asking me about it and she said "I wish we had pictures of your Grandma so we could remember her." I said "We do." I proceeded to show her photos on the computer and got some albums out to show her some other photos. Some of the photos are of Ainsley and her. Memories that I have that Ainsley was too young to hold onto.

Memories, they are like are little Heaven message senders. They are what keeps our minds, hearts and spirits connected to those that are watching from above. Thankfully through photos and written words we can pass these memories on to those that were too young to retain the experience or who aren't yet here. A great way to keep memories of lost ones alive!

These are some of the million things that float around in my head, next to the "to-do lists", all 5,000 of them.

1 comment:

Myra Duffy said...

Thank you Stephanie for such a wonderful post!! It brought tears to my eyes as I shared in the memories.