Kaylee was involved with a program called Upward this fall. It's an athletic program put on through a church in Bloomington-Normal. In the fall they offer Flag Football and Cheerleading. At first, I admit, I was a little hesitant to have her do this. I'm not sure why. However, several girls in her class were participating, and it is a program that teaches good sportsmanship and offers spiritual lessons as well. So we signed-up. We were very fortunate because one of Kaylee's classmates Mom was the coach and all she and her classmates all got to be on the same team. They had 1 practice during the week and a game on Saturday, each lasting an hour. It was cute to watch them and each week after practice and a game they got a star sticker to place on their megaphones. There were different color stickers each representing a different characteristic. The coach would go around and give each girl their sticker and say why they earned it. I have to say I was really glad we did this and I think it was the first activity that Kaylee did that she didn't ask when it was going to be over. At the end of the season they had a final celebration where the girls did a dance and all the kids received their participation gift. All in all it was a great season. Go Upward Go!! Here are some of the photos (I've been having issues getting my photos added to posts, so they aren't in order but I got photos on her so I'm going with it. See if I can get some of my draft posts actually posted:)):
Kaylee before her first game.

Brad and Ainsley at the end of the season celebration.

This is Ainsley with Ava. Ava's sister is in Kaylee's class and was on the squad with Kaylee. Ainsley and Ava will be in Kindergarten together next year. Side note there are 6 or 7 kids in Kaylee's class who have siblings that will all be in Kindergarten together next year.
1 comment:
Your little gals are growing up and getting more beautiful by the day. Loved the pictures!
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