I was going to title this Our Peanut, however Brad isn't a big fan of the word "peanut" in describing someones size. Not that it matters, just a side note. We went for Ainsley's 15 mos. doctor appointment today. Since August is a busy month for back-to-school physicals we couldn't get in until the end of the month, and really at this point she is almost 16 mos (9/1 will be 16 mos). I think this was the first time Ainsley ever went to the doctor by herself. Since both girls have May birthdays they have always been on the same schedule. Even when it was just time for Ainsley to go Kaylee always came along. Now that Kaylee is in pre-school I had a feeling she would have much more fun doing that, although she does truly enjoy the fish at the doctor's office. So we took Kaylee to school. She was a little weirded out at first because we generally take Ainsley to Karen's house first. Once she got into school she was ready to go. Brad met us at the doctor. I'm not good at listening objectively if any concerns come up. My mind starts to go for the worst. Not that this has happened much but we had a slight scare at Kaylee's 8 week appointment, so since that Brad always goes in case something comes up that needs to be addressed. Luckily since then it never has :)
Ainsley did well. She's always a trooper. The Dr. said that she is developing normally for her age and was very happy with Ainsley. Now to my title....here are her stats:
Height: 32 inches=93%
Head: I can't remember exactly but the % is 70th
Weight: 19lbs. 10 oz.=8%
Yes, 8%! Now Kaylee never reached over 75% for weight, until her 3 year appointment, but the lowest was 50%. I completely trust our Doctor, I absolutely love her! She is not worried, as Ainsley continues to develop normally in all areas. Our plan of action is to decrease her milk, so she will get milk twice a day. Her thinking is Ainsley drinks a lot of milk and may not be taking in as much food. The Dr. also put Ainsley on a vitamin and we will go back in 6 weeks for a weight check. Ainsley is a mover. She loves to eat but is ALWAYS on the go, so I can see how she burns a lot of calories! Brad stayed home with Ainsley for the rest of the day so after the appointment they went to the store and stocked up on A LOT of snacks! So for now we will keep plugging along and hopefully get some weight on the girl. Other than that she got 2 shots and was good to go. We're blessed to have such healthy and happy girls!
Ainsley did well. She's always a trooper. The Dr. said that she is developing normally for her age and was very happy with Ainsley. Now to my title....here are her stats:
Height: 32 inches=93%
Head: I can't remember exactly but the % is 70th
Weight: 19lbs. 10 oz.=8%
Yes, 8%! Now Kaylee never reached over 75% for weight, until her 3 year appointment, but the lowest was 50%. I completely trust our Doctor, I absolutely love her! She is not worried, as Ainsley continues to develop normally in all areas. Our plan of action is to decrease her milk, so she will get milk twice a day. Her thinking is Ainsley drinks a lot of milk and may not be taking in as much food. The Dr. also put Ainsley on a vitamin and we will go back in 6 weeks for a weight check. Ainsley is a mover. She loves to eat but is ALWAYS on the go, so I can see how she burns a lot of calories! Brad stayed home with Ainsley for the rest of the day so after the appointment they went to the store and stocked up on A LOT of snacks! So for now we will keep plugging along and hopefully get some weight on the girl. Other than that she got 2 shots and was good to go. We're blessed to have such healthy and happy girls!
What a little tiny thing! (I would have instinctively written "peanut" there, but don't want to offend Brad!) I just can't get over that she is 19 lbs. It sounds like she is perfect and healthy in every way though. She is just such a doll. She's so tall..I think she's going to be a supermodel with those stats. :-) You do have such adorable girls!
What a darling photo of sweet Ainsley. Just remember...small, but mighty!!! Kaylee came to see me outside for our daily chat this morning and BOY was she excited about those Hannah Montana slippers. Way to go mom!!!
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