* I love your laugh! Everything with you is about fun a laughing. When you laugh you laugh with everything you have!
* I love that you are a rough-houser. I know I don't always show my appreciation for this particular characteristic of yours but I love it all the same. You are a dare devil and when you want to take a risk you take it. This is something I hope you always hold on to!
* I love your little voice. While it assists you in getting out of trouble many a times, it also suits your small frame. Although it might be small it can certainly be mighty!
* I love that you love to snuggle. You are a cuddler and it's an activity that I cherish!
* I love seeing new things through you. Experiencing you at this age was different than Kaylee as with you, probably because with you at 2 I don't have a newborn. So it's as if this is a whole new age to me. You are always so excited by the new things and I love the enthusiasm you show.
*I love that you are always wanting to help. Doesn't matter the chore, generally you ask to help. I also enjoy when you don't you respond by saying "No stank you".
*I love that you are very relaxed and easy going. You are happy to be with others and you are content to go off and do your own thing. You have always been pretty happy go lucky, very go with the flow. I admire this about you as well.
*You are always ready for an adventure, whether it's a 4-wheel ride, playing outside, going for a walk, doing a craft project, etc. Whatever the activity you are ready to participate.
*I love how you love your big sister. I also enjoy that you are the one that picks on her much of the time. She needs someone to ruffle her feathers now and again, and I love that you like to do that.
*I love that 97% of the time you call me "Mama".
*You are a sweet, sweet girl. Your heart is big and your soul is soft and free. I look forward to watching you continue to grow and develop. I just ask that you stop doing this so fast! If you could slow it down a little your Mama would sure appreciate that!
Here are some of my favorite pictures of you.
You were born May 1, 2007 and weighed in at 6lbs 13oz and you were 19 inches long. I have all of your newborn photos on the computer downstairs and for some reason they are in a program that I can't seem to figure how to transfer to the laptop. So I'm starting with a photo from your 9 mos. photos. While your sister's looks changed a lot in the first couple years. You have pretty much stayed consistent. I love your beautiful brown eyes!
This is you the summer you turned 1. Again with those sweet, sweet eyes!
This is from the same summer as above. This is one of my favorite photos of all time. You and your great-grandma Duffy. I think the photo says it all. No caption needed!
Again from the same summer. This photo shows just how happy and care-free you are!
This is another favorite activity of yours. Sitting in things that aren't meant to be sat in. Doesn't matter the size of the box in correlation to you. If it has an opening you'll try to sit in it. This was from last winter.
This is a favorite for 2 reasons. One because of the way you are sitting. The other is because of the onesie you are wearing outside of your pj's. This was from last winter, you were around 19 mos. You were always taking your clothes off after I would put you to bed. Luckily I still have to check on you every night before I go to bed so I could re-dress you. This, however, made it so you couldn't get your clothes off! Not so fashionable but practical.
This was this past Easter. You are 23 mos. here. You love flowers and to smell them. Thankfully it was nice and we were able to get out and smell some flowers.
This was taken May 1, 2009, the day you turned 2. Although we had a joint princess party for you and Kaylee you still got your own cakes on your birthday. You love Elmo so it was a perfect cake to make for my sweet Baby A. From the look on your face I think you liked it too!
Such a big girl in your big girl room! You were so excited and proud of your big girl bed that "Daddy built you", you still make comments about it even now.
An example of how you love to help. You helped to make some brownies by mixing, and washing the bowl by sampling and washing in the sink.
This past summer you started to enjoy fishing with Daddy at Mee-Maw and Paw-Paw's pond. You aren't big on holding the worms or the fish so Kaylee helps with that.
You hamming it up on your rocking horse. You usually ride on him every night. Sometimes before I put you to bed and sometimes after I have left your room I can hear you on the horsey. You definitely have a lot to tell him!

1 comment:
Another lovely tribute to your second little girl. They are so lucky to have you for their mom. Ainsley is such a sweet heart. I do see that laid back, easy going approach to life. She is full of love for everything and everyone she encounters along her life's journey. I also love the picture of her and mom and I am glad they got the chance to share a few moments of life together. I also enjoy the photo of Ainsley engrossed with the cell phone and the one of her cooking. They both show her love of life. Both of your little girls are a joy to know.
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