Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Kaylee's Wonderland

In light of the recent snowy weather we have had I thought I would post this story. Ainsley will often ask me to sing a song or tell a story about a random object she can see in the room. Example one day I was wearing pajama pants with snowflakes on them and she asked me to tell her a story about snowflakes. Since then the requests continue to come and the above mentioned story is now known as the Kaylee Wonderland story. We all know that Kaylee has a flare for the dramatics and I believe on this particular day she was being “extra” dramatic!

Here’s the “Kaylee’s Wonderland”:

Once upon a time there was a girl named Kaylee. One day while she was at home it started to snow. Kaylee loved the snow and couldn’t wait to go out and play in it. After there was a light dusting on the ground she gathered her coat, snow pants, hat, scarf, gloves and boots, put them all on and went outside. The light snow was still falling from the sky. After running around for awhile she began to get tired and decided to lie down and make a snow angel.

While she lay on the grown she watched the snow continue to fall from the sky, she felt as though she were in a snow globe. She soon realized the flakes were getting bigger and bigger. Instead of flakes they were like big, soft, blankets falling from the sky. Before she could get up a large flake fell from the sky and landed on her and covered her up. Kaylee, who was very dramatic, begin to cry. She cried and cried and cried and cried!

The warmth of tears began to melt all the snow and soon she was surrounded by water that was carrying her away. So to get home she had to swim, swim, swim. Once home her Mommy dried her off and wiped her tears away.

The water outside that was left from her tears froze. Later that afternoon Kaylee gathered all her snow things again and this time instead of her boots she grabbed her skates and went outside to ice skate. She also wore her floaties, this way if she began to cry again she could float back home instead of swim.

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