What does that mean? What is she rambling about now (I'm sure you are asking)? When Kaylee was 2 weeks shy of 2 years old Ainsley arrived. Poof Kaylee was a Big Sister and Ainsley was the baby. Things I expected of Kaylee became more "mature", things that Kaylee could do for herself I let her as a way to balance 2 children at such young ages. My experience with a 2 year old Kaylee and a 2 year old Ainsley have been SO different. Kaylee was the oldest and with her I "pushed" older. Meaning there were things I was excited to experience with her as she matured, and I had Ainsley to meet the "baby" needs of.
Now both my girls are very close to being 3 and 5. I watch Ainsley and think soon I will NEVER have a 2 year old again. This is it, my last one. It's very bittersweet. Ainsley so looks up to Kaylee and is so excited to go to "school" and do the things Kaylee does, which has been some what helpful in potty training, although that's another post because we all know Ainsley has her own little spunk to her. So I am excited for Ainsley, but I also know I still carry her on my hip when Kaylee would have been walking, she's so little I can still hold her and rock, even though often times she doesn't want to sit still, and there are many other things that I will do for Ainsley that Kaylee was doing for herself.
I think this is often true of many people who have more than one child that are young. It's something I notice and something I find interesting. I am excited for Kaylee with all of the firsts and said with Ainsley because they are the lasts. So I think I will just look forward to the "different" ways we follow down that path and love on them as much as I can throughout the journey!
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