Thursday, March 11, 2010

A day with Grandma Ginnny

A couple weeks ago we went over to my in-laws for the day. The girls will generally ask at some point in the week if we will be going to any of the grandparent's house over the weekend (they go through them individually, they will ask about one and then I will say "no" so then they go to the next grandparent and so on). Brad's mom decided we would make a Pineapple Upside Down cake this day, as the girls love to help in the kitchen. So here is how it went:

First you get the mix in the bowl.

Add some water, oil and eggs.

Take turns mixing it up, this is their second favorite thing to do. The first is cracking the eggs!

Of course you must taste your batter!

So you now might be asking "What do you do while it's baking?" The with shaving cream of course!

Grandma Ginny sprayed the shaving cream all over the table.

Although Ainsley first put a big scoop in her mouth as she thought it was whipped-cream, she soon learned that was not the case. So if you can't eat it then you should put it on your face like Daddy.

A little more for good measure!

Kaylee got some on her face too, but was more excited about writing in it on the table.
Poor Abby even got some on her face! Such a good dog, just laid there.

All in all it was a great day! The girls had so much fun!! I sent Brad a picture text during the shaving cream festivities, as he and his dad were finishing up things in our laundry room. His response to my picture text was "Glad it's you and not me." HEHE!!

1 comment:

Christina said...

Love it! That's what grandmas are for! Shaving cream all over the table :-) Ha! How fun!!