Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Insert sigh here...

See this adorable little girl here below.....
Brad and I took her to register yesterday for Kindergarten. It was so surreal!! I look at this picture, taken for her first birthday, and it seems like she was just one year old. Even in spite of all of her current photos surrounding me and her every day actions that remind me that she is rapidly growing-up, I still can't believe it.

She is so super excited and honestly, I am too. She is very inquisitive and loves learning! I held myself together pretty well. I got a little teary eyed when they had all the kids line up to go into the Kindergarten room with the teacher, Mrs. Lancaster, to fun activities while the parents got to fill out paperwork. At one point Mrs. Lancaster came back to talk with us and again I got a little teary eyed. I have 5 mos to get it together and get prepared. The first day will be OK, as it's only an hour and we stay with her, the second day however will be when she marches into that school all on her own, for the whole day. I'm grateful her teacher has been a teacher for many years and a Kindergarten teacher at Towanda for 15 years. Not only for Kaylee because she'll know how to help me too :) The Mom, visualising this little girl in the photo above, walking into her new school!

What is Kaylee most excited about? Not quite sure, she rattled a list of things that she thought was great, but something she was quite impressed with....a separate room for eating lunch!

(Disclaimer: To all my readers this will be the first of many posts talking about my mixed emotions over this new chapter in our lives...but I'm the Mom so deal with it :))

1 comment:

Renee said...

I can't even let myself start thinking about this day!! Ahh! Congrats, and good luck!