As many of you know we recently got a new puppy. Brad and I started talking over the summer about getting another dog. Abby will be 10 in February and we thought it would be nice to have some overlapping time with the dogs. We got Abby in the spring and figured that would be about the time we would get the new one. Wrong!
My mom knows a lady from work who breeds labs. They have 2 females and 1 male they use to breed. They just happen to have 2 litters back-to-back. First litter available 11/26 and the other 12/3. We had some discussions on if we wanted to act now or wait until next fall when the breeder anticipated their next litter.
We decided to get one now. We didn't tell the girls anything about it. My mom came to stay with the girls, I picked Brad up from work and we were on our way. Picked her up and brought her home. Walked in, set the cage down and the girls realized we were adding to our family.
They were super excited!!! Ainsley was especially happy for Abby because now she could be a twin since the new puppy was just like her. Later that night Belle got sick and threw up all her food. We assumed that it was a combination of eating too much, the car ride, excitement, etc.
The next morning she ate with no problems.
Later I came home from work, was trying to hold her and put her leasch on her to take her outside. I couldn't get it on her while holding her so I put her down. She layed on her side, her back was stiff, she was non-responsive and there was drool coming out of her mouth. I picked her back up and talked to her, put her back down and she was still having trouble standing so I picked her up again. I kept petting and talking to her and finally she seem to snap out of what had happened, went out and pottied right away and seem to be fine. I called the vet because whatever had happened wasn't something that seemed normal. The vet's office said to bring her in.
We got to the vet and he checked her out and said she looked great. Took her back to check her blood sugar because he said if it was low that could cause that and he also wanted to get a stool sample. He brought her back in and said blood sugar was normal, temp was normal but while getting a stool sample she had another seizure, a Grand Mal, which is a full-blown seizure.
He started to tell me all of the possibilities and testing that would need to be done to find answers. I was having an out of body experience. I couldn't believe this was going on. We hadn't even had this little one 24 hours and here I am in the vets with options that aren't great and 2 little girls who are growing more and more upset while asking if we are going to have to take her back.
I called Brad at work and we decided we would get in touch with the breeder, explain the situation and take her back. I told the vet our plan. I felt horrible. I told the vet I don't want anything bad to happen to this puppy but I can't justify all these medical costs, for a puppy, that we just got, especially with the girls and this poor puppy having seizures. The vet completely understood and felt our choice was the correct choice. He wrote a report up for me so we could give it to the breeder.
In the meantime Brad got a hold of the breeder who was mortified. She felt bad for us, the dog, the whole situation. She told Brad she had another female from the other litter that she would swap us or just give us our money back. So Brad went and met her last night and swapped the dogs. The breeder had been in contact with her vet and they were going to work together to find the answers. The breeder said it wasn't anything we should have to deal with.
Brad brought the new Belle home, yes we are keeping the same name. I keep thinking about the first one and am anxious to hear from the breeder on Monday to see if they have found anything out. I felt horrible even though I know the breeder and her vet will do all they can.
So that's our LONG story about Belle.
The short story is we have added a new addition to our family. Brad told me since I can't physically have anymore children I could still have a baby by getting a new puppy every 10 years. I'll take that:)
The girls are loving her and Kaylee is always reminding us to give extra love to Abby, which we are. Abby is doing great with Belle. I knew she would because she is the sweetest most gentle dog I have ever known.
We know have 2 fur babies 9 1/2 years and 8 weeks, and 2 people kiddos that are 5 and 3. I guess we just like to keep our house a little on the crazy side:)
1 comment:
Your new addition is super cute. Must keep you on your toes in all your "spare' time :)
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