Shortly before Thanksgiving Kaylee brought home her first report card. I was very excited to see it! Kaylee loves school and learning seems to come easy for her. Maybe it's because she wants to know everything about everything, maybe it's because she takes pride in it or a little of both, either way it's exciting for me to see how her work is paying off. Plus this was her very first Kindergarten report card, it's worthy of a little excitement, right?
In our district the Kindergarten grading system is a +, /, or - and a 3, 2, or 1 type system. 3's and +'s are the best, meaning consistently showing mastering of skills, 2's and /'s are showing developmentally appropriate, or sometimes shows mastering of skill, and so on and so forth.
Kaylee received 3's in everything, except P.E. where she earned a 2, with a comment that she is always willing to participate. I got a little chuckle out of this as Kaylee's coordination has not always been her greatest strength:) But I have seen much improvement. As she has gotten older she's grown into her body a little better as she's always been tall for her age. Being tall comes with big feet:)
She received +'s in everything with the exception of neat handwriting in which she got a /. At her parent teacher conference her teacher told us that some kids are good with a box of 24 crayons, but Kaylee needs the 64 box. She is always wanting to be challenged and to move on to bigger things. Needless to say taking time to write her name is not a top priority. I also think it's because she gets frustrated if she can't do things perfectly. So rushing through her name is a way to deal with that frustration. She doesn't allow herself to focus on it enough to warrant the not perfect realization and therefore become frustrated. This is usually saved for when she has to write 5'S during homework.
She continues to read more and more. Most books she is up to the Level 2 in. Her teacher told us at conferences her reading was at the end of year range for Kindergarten, so we knew she was ahead of the game. She loves to read so she gets lots of practice:)! She also loves Science and is staying ahead of the game in Math as well.
We could not be more proud of her. Her teacher had wonderful things to say about her during her conference and on her report card! She is loving school and we are loving watching her grow and learn everyday.
Way to go Kaylee McKenna!
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