Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Today, well today was a day. Today started out as any other normal day. In fact really most of the day was pretty typical. However when I got home after work....WOAH! I was late getting out of work because someone wanted to ask me about something they were working through, I met Kaylee's summer sitter at Ainsley's pre-school. Got both girls and off we went. The ride home was typical, Kaylee excited about her day and Ainsley tired and crabby (The morning is the opposite Ainsley is the morning person and Kaylee is the quiet one.).

We get home, I go upstairs to change my clothes and gather up Kaylee's baseball clothes, because oh yes it's a million degrees out and we have a 6:00 game. Ainsley, still being crabby, is yelling at me because I won't let her change from her shorts and tank top into a dress, tights, and sweater. I know, I'm such a mean mom! So we gather our stuff, and a load of laundry for good luck, and head back downstairs. Kaylee gets a snack, Ainsley who is still being crabby is demanding apple juice from the other room, so I get both girls some juice and start the laundry.

I then decide to go downstairs to see what damage Belle, our 9 mos. old lab, did in the basement while Kaylee and her sitter were at Artful Design. I walk downstairs and that is when (insert object of choice here) hit the fan! Belle had gotten in the storage part of the basement and ripped open a garbage bag that had various broken toys, ripped up dress-up clothes, old water/furnace filters...you know all the true treasures one might have. She chewed two planks off of a rocking chair I had as a little girl and my girls like to use, the cheap, plastic framed full-length mirror the girls used when playing dress-up had part of the frame hanging off, and there were some other items here and there that had been strung about.

I honestly didn't know if I was going to cry, scream, or turn my head and walk away. Let's face it we all know I couldn't let that mess just sit there. So I cleaned. I picked things up and put in a new garbage bag, swept, put toys away and tried to reclaim the basement. While I was sweeping I was trying to put things in perspective. Thoughts such as "If this is my worst problem I have I have it pretty good." While listening to the air conditioning run and thinking that it's probably run all day because it's so hot out and what our bill will be this month I thought "Well at least we have air conditioning." That's the thing we don't stress trying to put food on the table or to cloth our kids. We take vacations and do fun things with the kids just because. We do these things for ourselves by ourselves. We are self-sufficient in providing for our family.

So I re-grouped and got all the garbage put in the garage and the basement cleaned up. I then started to get dinner ready for the girls so they could eat before we left for the game. I was sweeping in the kitchen and dining room, because I saw one crumb on the floor and convinced myself I needed to take care of the floor before any cooking good take place, and of course if I'm sweeping the kitchen I better go ahead and do the dining room. It's a sickness, I know! So I'm pulling chairs out to get under the table and see that Belle has, at some point chewed on 3 of our dining room chairs that we have had for all of 3 months. Not major damage, just a few minor marks. And the peace that I had, or was convincing myself I had, was gone.

I hurried to get the girls something to eat whilst texting Brad that I was going to lose my mind and why. So now dinner is done, girls are getting shoes on and I am putting Kaylee's hair back and Brad comes home. He has had it with today as the air conditioner in his truck went out. However there is no time to worry about that and we are off to the game.

During the game Kaylee struck out and was running back to the dugout when she slipped on the dirt and fell and scraped her knee. As she was trying to get up she kept falling back down like she couldn't put any weight on her ankle. Brad picked her up and brought her off the field. I went over to see and would be lying if I said I wasn't thinking "Please don't tell me another kid has broken a bone!" " I quit!!!" "My white flag is waiving as high as I can get it to go!" But thankfully she just twisted it and although a little embarrassed she was fine.

So we made it home, Brad worked on the truck, I bathed the little grubbers, Belle ate Kaylee's popcorn while she took a shower, and while I was giving Ainsley a bath she tried to get the treat bowl down from the top of the pantry and knocked the rice down. She came up to ask if dogs could eat rice and then I knew. So I finished Ainsley's bath and went down to help Kaylee clean the rice up.

Now the thunder has stopped and the girls are asleep. The dogs are quiet and I am tired. Today was a day, and though in the times of frustration I tried to put my stressors in perspective, because in today's world they really aren't worth the stress. Although I am going to bed feeling defeated tonight, I am victorious that my girls are clean and safe in their beds, and that we have a tomorrow to look forward to.

1 comment:

Jeanie Bree said...

This post was like reading a great novel with a peaceful ending. Thank you.