Sunday, January 15, 2012


There have been a lot of conversations occurring in my house lately. Uncommon...No? Interesting ...Oh Yes! For those of you that are my friends on Facebook you may have read some recent posts about these conversations.

I suppose with a 4 and 6 year-old it should not be surprising when thoughts that are streaming through their minds are constantly coming out of their mouths. They haven't quite grown into their filters yet. Honestly some days I wonder if they may stay filterless for their life. Each day brings new thoughts and new experiences, which lead to new questions.

On an average Tuesday evening we were sitting together, just hanging out. Ainsley and I on the couch and Brad in the chair, Kaylee was in the other room. The conversation begins:

Ainsley: Mommy, do I pee out of my woo-woo?
Me: No, it's called your vagina.
Ainsley: Vagina?
Me: Yes

Ainsley begins saying vagina over and over and over again.

Ainsley: Mommy, how does God make a vagina?

At this point I look at Brad because I'm at a loss for words on how to actually answer this.

Brad jumps in and explains to Ainsley that when you are first in your Mommy's tummy you are really tiny and as you grow your vagina grows with you.

Kaylee comes in the room and Ainsley (with lots of excitement in her voice) says "Hey Kaylee, guess what!! When you are in your Mommy's tummy and you grow your vagina grows with you!"

Kaylee: That's enough Vagina talk.
Ainsley: Do boys pee out their vagina?
Me: No, boys have a penis.
Ainsley: (With more excitement) Hey Kaylee, boys have a penis.
Kaylee: I call them wieners.
Ainsley: Well there are wiener dogs.

So the biology discussion passes and I'm still feeling like I am having a surreal, this can't be my life, actual moment. At one point I was hiding in my shirt because I was laughing so hard.

We finally regrouped ourselves. Kaylee and I now on the couch, Brad still in the chair and Ainsley hanging upside down over the ottoman. A commercial for a show on Food Network titled Bitchen Kitchen comes on. Kaylee says: I can't believe that the lady has a show with that word in the title. Instead of saying something like "I know, it's weird." and letting it go. Brad decides to say: Bitchen really isn't a bad word.

This perks up Ainsleys, upside down ears, up and she says "What's Bitchen?" "Daddy, what's bitchen?" So Brad explains what it means and that it has "Bitch" as part of the word and that it's not a nice word so that's why we shouldn't say those words.

I quickly reinforce it by telling the girls if they say those words at school they will surely go straight to red:).

Ahhhh, yes sweet little conversations that have been taking place at our house. Can't wait to see what questions we can conquer tomorrow with more conversations.

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