Sunday, January 22, 2012

Peace in Vacuming

I love to vacuum. At least I think I do. I will vacuum the downstairs at least 3 times a week and the upstairs 1 to 2 times a week. Why? Good question. As I was vacuuming Friday, the 3rd time this week, I was thinking about why I vacuum so much. I realize part of it is due to the fact that I have a busy house filled with a husband, 2 children and a dog and all of their "stuff". Generally when I see something on the floor I get the "Ugh, all my floors are dirty I need to vacuum" kind of feeling. However I love my vacuum. I love that it is bagless and that I can see all the dirt in the container when I'm done. A little instant gratification, I suppose. My children laugh at me because not only do I vacuum the floors but the walls, furniture, the stove and I have even been known to vacuum the inside of the mircowave.

While I was thinking of all of these reasons that I love to vacuum, and was moving closer to the Dining Room where my children were sitting at the table doing puzzles and bickering over something monumental I'm sure, I realized that when I vacuum and get lost in the humming noise the vacuum makes I no longer here the bickering of my girls and instead of the dog being at my feet she keeps a safe distance. Even when in the Dining Room, vacuuming around the chairs of my children they recognize I'm completing a task and don't even bother to try to involve me in their dispute via tattling on each other. They just let me coast on through. maybe the peace I get from vacuuming is the core of my love for this activity:)

1 comment:

Jeanie Bree said...

never thought of it that way, but I like the way you think!