Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Holiday Fun....BRING IT ON!

Less than a month ago St. Patrick's Day was upon us. I don't know about yours but my Facebook feed was full of Leprechaun traps and fun St. Patrick's Day crafts, treats, notes, etc. Along with all of the fun posts and pictures was also a link to a blog. I can't remember the exact name, something to the effect of a Mommy Blog. While I don't remember the name I do remember the context. While the blog itself is like mine, and many others, about families, their lives, children, activities, etc this particular post struck a nerve with me. Shocking I know:).

This post discussed bringing Holidays, including made-up ones i.e St. Patrick's Day, down a notch. The blogger was calling on her readers to not participate in such crazy things as Leprechaun traps, or goody bags on Valentine's Day or non-plastic Easter baskets. By keeping these days to a minimum it would aide in her children not feeling the disappointment of their families lack of participation.

I for one love Leprechaun traps, Lucky Charms for breakfast and shamrock sugar cookies to honor St. Patrick's Day. I love to offer my girls fun spring things in their non-plastic Easter baskets, whether it be spring outfits, or PJ's or a movie, sidewalk chalk, and other fun  new things. I enjoy doing something special for Valentine's Day and honestly whatever other fun day comes along.

Do I think that we need to be cautious at times of over-indulging? Perhaps. Do I think by doing fun activities my girls will have higher expectations in life? No. I do think, though, that they will have fun and look forward to the dorky things their Mom likes to do during these days, and maybe even some day do these things with their own children.

After I read the post regarding all of this "holiday non-sense" I read the one that was posted before that. It was a post about not judging others. A post of acceptance and understanding. A post from the heart of someone who has both biological and adopted children. I support this. We shouldn't judge others because they aren't just like us and we should be open to new ideas. I found it ironic. Ironic that she is pleading for people to change their ways of holiday extravaganza to low key observations because it conforms more to their families ideals.

There are plenty of things my girls talk about that friends have said their families have done, or toys i.e. trampolines, they have played with/on at other's houses that they don't have at their own, i.e. trampoline. That, though, is life. Not everyone's family make up is the same, not everyone celebrates, or recognizes, days/holidays in the same way. That's ok. That is what makes the world go round.

My girls may not choose to carry on my same traditions and if they don't I will except that. I'm sorry that this Mom feels her kids are disappointed and feeling left out. However, that won't stop me from continuing to create memories during St. Patrick's Day, Easter, Valentine's Day or quite frankly even Arbor Day if I choose. What I will do differently is teach my children that everyone does things differently and that is ok. That we can learn from others. That we treat each other with respect. That we be true to ourselves, our hearts and what we love. That is what I want everyone to do. Maybe I'll start a Holiday for that:)!


Kimberly Martin-Boyd said...

Wow, this was a GREAT post! I totally agree with you. I even like 1/2 birthdays:) I am more angry when people's children (like in the neighborhood) try to ruin things for my kids (like the EB or Santa)... that is what makes me crabby... our kids are only little for so long and have to be adults for MUCH longer, why not have fun with them?

Unknown said...

Awww...thanks Kim! I agree, obviously:) Our kids are only kids for so long and I am definitely going to take advantage of that:)