Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Happy 6th Birthday, Ainsley!!

Dear Ainsley,

        Today you are 6!!! I know to you it seems like it has taken forever to get to be 6, but for your Mama it sure seems to have gone by so quick! I remember the day you were born so vividly that it seems like it couldn't be 6 years ago. I think, though, that I will feel that way at every birthday you have. What a year you have had. Your Kindergarten year is almost over! You can read, do math, ride a two-wheel bike and tie your shoes (although you'd prefer to not have any on:)).

You are a spunky one and always make me laugh, even when I'm not in the laughing mood. You are inquisitive and you love to play outside. You enjoy swimming, dancing and playing baseball. You still enjoy playing with your dolls and you love to play board games and cards. Somehow you always find a way to win.

I couldn't be more proud to be your Mama. You are a true blessing to me and our family! I love you and am so thankful to call you my daughter.

I hope you had a great first day of being 6!!

Happy birthday, Ainsley Isabella! I love you!!


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