School is back in session. Third grade and First grade seem to be moving along.
Kaylee who is always one to tow the line when it comes to behavior and school expectations, continues to keep with those traits. As she gets older friendships can be harder. Friends can say or do more "hurtful" things, or at least you feel as though they are. Kaylee wanting to participate in all the things her friends are, but often is scared in doing something new. Never 100% sure and struggles to make her choice. Does she try something new and face her fear? Does she avoid a new experience and the feeling of uncertainty but risk a feeling of regret?
Some days she is on top of the world and everything has gone her way. Other days it's as if the world is out to get her and no one wants to be her friend or so it seems to someone with a mind that seems to exaggerate an experience, i.e. one person said something unkind to her and her mind says "No one likes you and everyone was making fun of you." All feelings I too well understand.
Draws me back to simpler times. Times when she was excited because we were on the beach in January.
Playing play-dough |
Painting with water colors. |
Happy to be dry and fed. |
Then I think of my First grader. The one does not lack confidence and has a little defiance streak added in. Just as well intentioned as her older sister, but doesn't always feel rules, such as work quietly at your desk and not talk with your neighbor, pertain to her. In Ainsley's class their behavior plan is color based. Green is good, everyone starts on green each day. Throughout the day you may move up or down and back up or down again. We've seen our share of yellows, and even an orange, coming home on her paper. All for talking.
She tries for those greens, and even for the higher colors, each day. So determined she is, but she is also a talker. Apparently a lot of the class enjoys talking. So the teacher has had to be stern to set the tone and get these talkers in check. I know it's just talking, but after someone asks you repeatedly to not do something and you continue to do so it becomes a little disrespectful. Being able to sit quietly and listen when you are bored or uninterested is a life skill. I know at 6 it's not that crucial of a life skill, but if we don't start working on these now when will they come?
Last week it was only yellow one day. Such a proud accomplishment and it should be because I know how hard she has to work on not talking (after all I was a talker too!).
I think about the simpler times:
Getting piggy back rides from Grandpa. |
Playing with your older sister and getting a kiss. |
Helping to decorate the house. |
Playing with duckies in the water table.
As I think of those times I realize that as parents there really are no simpler times. Now those times seem like simpler times but in those moments I was worried about schedules, staying healthy, sharing, napping, and other developmental milestones. In those moments what seems simple now did not seem so simple then. As my children grow and get older there will be new worries and struggles. Things like Kaylee being weary about trying new things or Ainsley tying to get green will seem like issues from simpler times.
Although our struggles as parents will change as our children do. The one thing that will remain consistent is our love for our children. Our commitment to them and our hope and belief for and in them. Those things are great in feeling but simple in idea.