Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Back to School

We are back school! Two weeks under our belts. It's been a nice transition into starting school and our school routine. Dance doesn't start for another week and Daisies/Brownies in a couple more weeks. It's nice to have some space in between the starting times of all of our school year activities.

The girls were excited to go back. Kaylee into 3rd grade this year and Ainsley into 1st. Not sure how that happened, but here we are:) Our school has a Back to School Night the day before so we were able to take all the school supplies in then, which is nice so they don't have to drag them all the first day. I asked the girls if they wanted me to drive them to school the first day but they said they wanted to ride the bus.

Can't say I blame them for wanting to ride with their friends.

Here are some first day photos:

Our 3rd Grader!

Our 1st Grader


Here's to a great school year!!!

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