Sunday, July 7, 2013

Let's Play Catch-Up

Today Brad and I are were at the store and what did we see??? School supplies! Yep, that's when you know the 4th of July has come and gone. Time flies. I've been thinking of random blog posts I wanted to do and decided to roll it all into one. So what have we been up to? What's going on with the Busing Family? Let me fill you in:

  • Kaylee and Ainsley have been taking a cooking class this summer. Kaylee has done that before but this was Ainsley's first class. They have really enjoyed it. This week they will also start a baking class.
  • Ainsley has been playing baseball. Brad has been coaching her again this year. It's so fun to watch them together. Many of Ainsley's games have started at 8 this summer, which has been a little late for her, but she has handled it like a trooper!
  • We have tried to camp several times this summer but every time it has rained on us, so hopefully soon before summer is over. The girls like to camp at Mom's, down by the pond. 
  • The girls have been able to spend a lot of time swimming at the pool this summer. One night after work last week we took the girls to State Farm Park. I couldn't believe how well they were doing jumping off the diving board and going down the big slides. They are definitely little fishes.
  • Brad and I got a chance to head up North with Brian and Sarah to go watch Dave Matthews Band. We saw them in Alpine Valley. It was a fun time. He really does a great show. 
  • I recently "Googled"-"fear of garage sales" because I think I have a fear of them. I'm not so much scared of them but whenever I see ads for garage sales, Facebook posts about garage sales, or even drive by and see them I get annoyed. I don't know why. I'm not a garage sale person, for many a reason and honestly I guess I just don't get it. Is it a fear? Maybe not, but I was looking at some sort of diagnosis....other than annoyance.
  • Things I've been working on lately:
    • Not holding grudges
    • Focusing more on those in our lives who take an active interest in our girls and include us in things, not out of obligation, but just because, asking to see us just to see us, kind of thing. Rather than focusing on why someone(s) isn't. Although that is easier said then done. But at the end of the day you can't control everyone, it is what it is.
    • Trying to defuse my defense mechanism of sarcasm. I tend to hide behind my sarcasm and put up a hard exterior, because I like to think I'm less likely to have my feelings hurt by someone not liking me because I put off the vibe that I don't care if they like me. In reality I use those mechanisms because I worry that they don't like me and it causes me anxiety to not feel like I'm in control.
    • Using the coping tools I've learned to aide in controlling my anxiety so that I don't miss out on something because I've caved to my anxiety and ended up not going, or getting myself worked up before going somewhere because of the amount of people that I think might be there. 
  • I've been thinking about our annual January trips to Florida. I love these trips with my Mom and Tim, for many reasons. I will do them as long as I can. Some day when my kids are grown I will carry this tradition on. Every year we will do a family vacation together. Hopefully if they are married and have children it will be a tradition that brings us together each year and one that they will enjoy as much as I do. 
  • The girls have caught Monster's University and we all went to see Despicable Me 2 this past weekend. The girls loved both movies. Seems like the summer for kids movies this year.
  • We enjoyed the 4th. We had the annual 4th of July parade. Both girls rode in it, Kaylee on the Brownie float and Ainsley on the Daisy float. Tim let us use his tractor and trailer for the Daisy float and Brad drove it. Turned out to be quite the family affair. 
I think for now that's about it. There have been lots of sidewalk chalk, bubbles, bike riding, fishing, playing outside, staying up late, going to parks, eating popsicles and ice cream and all of the other fun summer activities. We still have a good chunk of summer left, but I know sooner then it seems the school year will be upon us again. So until then we will continue to stay busy and make the most of all our time.

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