Kaylee explained to me that if she didn't want to see Santa she didn't have to, but if she changed her mind Daddy said that was fine and she could talk to Santa. If she didn't want to see him he would just throw her a present and she could get her Leapster that way. I explained she was not getting a Leapster at State Farm Santa. I also went in to we should be thankful for any gift, although she was fine with not getting the Leapster I still felt I would forge ahead with my lecture, and many boys and girls don't get presents. To which Kaylee replied "Because they aren't good and didn't make good choices". I then tried to clear that up.
We went on Saturday and she stood in line the whole time and then when it was our turn she opted to stand by Daddy while he took a photo of Ainsley and I. I'm so thrilled that I get to be in all of these Santa photos. Ainsley sat on my lap next to him but wouldn't sit on his lap. After the photos one of the helpers gave them their gifts and to MY SURPRISE Kaylee walked right up to Santa and said "thank you for my present Santa". I was so proud you would have thought she saved someone's life. I am teary eyed now blogging over it. This was such a huge step for her. After Santa we went to Carl's for lunch and home for nap. What an exciting morning! Here are the photos:

Kaylee was more interested in looking at her game then taking the photo.