Aside from getting the tree up and all the Christmas decorations we were also able to take Kaylee to her first movie. We went to see Madagascar 2, now she's never seen Madagascar 1, but that's the great thing about these types of movies, it doesn't matter if you have seen both or not. Ainsley stayed with Mee-Maw as I didn't think she was quite ready.
Here she is eating some popcorn and waiting for the movie to start.

I took this picture by putting the camera directly in front of her. It's not the most flattering shot but she is very focused on the big screen!

The weekend before Thanksgiving we went to the Festival of Trees. She heard some of her friends from MCC were going to be there and was set on finding them, as it must have been a plan for everyone to go. Luckily we did find them and spent the majority of our time with them. What an interesting experience....before I know it Kaylee will just want us to drop her at the door. One of the activities was face painting. Here is her as a butterfly.

Ainsley has been busy as usual. Always ready for a dance party. As soon as she hears music she starts dancing. Many times she runs to the dress-up trunk and brings me something to put on her. Two of the more popular choices are her tu-tu, made by Stef who does Frostings, and a play dress. She enjoys twirling in them and will twirl and twirl until she can't stand-up.

She also likes to say "Cheese" to the camera and the below photo shows the expression I capture when taking the photo. It's really pretty cute!Occasionally Ainsley will sit still and hang out with me from time to time. Usually if I have food it's a good way to motivate her to sit with me. She's fun to snuggle with!
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I'm sure you all have been as busy as us but at least you know some of the "random" things we've been doing!
I love your little dancer!!
Oh- I love the picture of Ainsley in her pink tutu. OMG-super precious. Kaylee looks adorable with her painted face, too!
Looks like you guys have been busy!
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