Ok so Kaylee might be psychic! Thanksgiving weekend, on Saturday, she was talking about all of these games, that I'm pretty sure she made up, that you can play in the snow. Trying to be encouraging I said "those would be fun we just need some snow", the next morning we woke-up and had....SNOW! I couldn't believe it! Generally I am very in-the-know with the weather as it's part of Brad's job, sometimes I know TOO much about it. I had no idea this was coming. Kaylee was so excited! She immediately wanted to go play in it. We were going to Brad's parents that day, to celebrate his dad's birthday, so I convinced her to at least wait until we got there, thankfully she agreed, because it was able to warm up just a bit.
We got ALL the snow gear on. I have to admit I was waiting for the "I have to go potty" emergency, but much to my surprise there wasn't one. We headed out for some fun. Kaylee really wanted to make a snowman and we proceeded to make one, Abby (the dog), kept eating our snowman. Eventually we made a little one on top of a bush. Kaylee also enjoyed throwing snow at people, and even more so loved being hit by snow. It was a lot of fun! I can't remember the last time I had so much fun in the snow.
Poor Ainsley...as much as loved it she had such a hard time moving around. I remember Kaylee at that age and how hard it was for her. Bless her heart she kept on trying. Eventually she lost a boot and kept losing her mittens so Brad's mom took her in. Below are some photos from our Snow Day...

Attempting to make snow angels. Ainsley wasn't so sure about this!

I had thought of putting this as one of our Christmas card photos (I finally got them all mailed today), but there's a snowflake right in
front of Kaylee's eye and it looks like a weird white spot, so it was out.

Kaylee with a snowball ready for a snow fight and again poor Ainsley who just can't seem to get around so well.

One of our many attempts to build a snowman and Ainsley who has lost her mittens, again.
What cute pictures!!! There is nothing like a snow day with little ones.
Oh how funny. I wrote almost the same exact post about our snow adventures!!! My boys were the same: Henry was loving it like Kaylee and William tried but couldn't move much like Ainsley! I love the pictures of your girls playing though! They look adorable out there in the snow. Such cuties.
BTW, I LOVE your Christmas card. We got ours and the pictures are just precious!
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