Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Random Conversations

While many conversations with Kaylee can be interesting I thought I would highlight a few that have happened in the last week.

Saturday I went to a bridal shower for my cousin Erica. Brad had previously arranged for the girls to go to his parents on Saturday so we could have a "date night". It worked out because the shower would have overlapped into the girls naps, so I was able to go alone while Brad took the girls to his parents. On Sunday Kaylee and I were talking and here is how the conversation went:

Kaylee: Mom, why didn't you go with us to Grandma's yesterday?

Me: Because I had to go to a bridal shower.

Kaylee: What did you do there?

Me: We ate lunch, watched Erica open gifts and had some cake.

Kaylee: Did they dance?

Me: No, they do that at the wedding, not the shower.

Kaylee: Why?

Me: The shower is just for girls to go to. They have it for the bride before the wedding. Erica's wedding will be in a couple of months. This was just a party to "shower" her with well-wishes.

Kaylee: Oh. Mom, what is Erica's prince's name?

Me: Prince, as in who she is going to marry?

Kaylee: Yes, everyone marries a prince.

Conversation #2: This occurred Sunday night as Kaylee didn't want to be in her room, by herself, to go to bed. This has been an issue lately, as all of sudden she seems to get scared. She has a very active imagination so this does not help our cause.

Kaylee: I don't want to be in my room.

Me: Why?

Kaylee: I don't want to be alone.

Me: Why?

Kaylee: I'm scared.

Me: What are you scared of?

Kaylee: I don't know, I just don't want to be by myself.

Me: Everyone sleeps in their own room. Ainsley is in her room, Mommy and Daddy sleep in their room and you need to sleep in your room.

Kaylee: But I have two pillows in my bed and no one to sleep on the other pillow.

Conversation #3: This happened last night. Another quirk of Kaylee's involves pooping. She is weird about it and when her routine is thrown off, or she gets sick as she was a couple weeks ago, she will become irregular and then start to constipate herself. So we then have to get her through that and back to being regular. Last night I could tell she needed to go, she was being obstinate about it because since she hasn't been going everyday it becomes painful. I was trying to encourage her to go to the bathroom:

Me: Kaylee, do you need to go potty?

Kaylee: No

Me: I think you do....does your tummy hurt?

Kaylee: Yes, but I can't.

Me: Why? If you go your tummy will feel better.

Kaylee: But I can't.

Me: Why?

Kaylee: Because....the poop mom is telling the poop kids to come out, but they won't because they are watching the poop TV.

Me: Maybe the poop mom should turn the poop TV off then.

Kaylee: (sigh) yeah...

We have so many of these delightful conversations I could probably write a book. I'm sure when she's older she will really appreciate this blog and how I have recounted many of these. Especially the one about poop. She's also into using "verbs" and "adverbs" lately and will let me know when she has used one, because I apparently don't know what verbs and adverbs are.

For example:

Kaylee: This orange is too orangey

Me: Don't eat it

Kaylee: Mom, I was just using an adverb.


Kaylee: (says something that I think is about a bird squawking)

Me: I don't hear any birds squawking

Kaylee: No, Ainsley is flapping

Me: (still not hearing it correctly), Ainsley is what?

Kaylee: Ainsley is flapping, I'm using a verb....you know flapping, like this (and proceeds to show me).

There are also times now when we are in the car and I'm driving and the girls are in the back talking. Most times as soon as Kaylee says, or asks, something Ainsley feels she needs to participate as well. This is both of them talking at the same time and makes it a lot harder for me to hear. Some times when I ask Kaylee to repeat herself she says "Mom, I was talking to my sister." So it has begun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stephanie, the poop one made me laugh out loud. Hilarious!!