It was a beautiful day outside and we spent a lot of time outdoors. There was much 4-wheeling, bike riding, tractor riding, playing on the swings and fishing in the pond. Everyone seem to have a great time and I was so happy to give my Mom a special day because she deserves it!
Ainsley riding her bike in the shed.
Ainsley and Paw-Paw doing some work with one of the tractors.
Mee-Maw, Ainsley and Kaylee taking a ride on the 4-wheeler.
Everybody singing "Happy Birthday" and helping to blow out the candles.
Ainsley doing a little clean-up after the party:)
Wish your mom a belated Happy Birthday from me. Looks like a fun day was had by all!!
Adorable! What a fun day and special way to celebrate your mom! And it was such a beautiful day too! :)
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