The other night we had Ainsley's Show Your Work Night at Montessori. She was so excited!! We had been at another school function at Kaylee's school earlier in the night and while Kaylee stayed behind with Mee-Maw. All the way to Montessori Ainsley kept telling me all the things we were going to be doing at her school. When we got to Montessori there were A LOT of people and maybe a wee-bit overwhelming to little Miss A. Once we got in her room and sat down she was the first to be excused to find work. Again a little overwhelmed, and not entirely sure what to do, I could since her starting to cry. Sure enough the tears soon came. We sat for awhile, walked around the room a little and finally I got some popbeads off the shelf, one of her favorites and pretended to try and do them but just couldn't figure it out. The laughter and "Oh Mom" soon came and Ainsley was back! From then on she was all about showing us work and teaching us how to do it, because no matter how hard we tried somehow Brad and I just couldn't do it without her help:) While it was a very surreal experience being there for my little Ainsley I was oh so proud of her and so happy to be there with her!
Working on color tablets.

Putting Pop Beads together.


Carrot Slicing
They sure grow up fast!! Your girls are lucky to have such great parents. Thanks for sharing the pictures of your cute little one.
Oh my goodness, I can't believe she is old enough to be at MCC showing you her work! I remember when you found out you were pregnant with her and chatting about baby #2 in Room 1 during siesta :) My, how time truly does fly.
It looks like she is doing so well at Montessori! What a big girl! I'm impressed with all of her abilities and skills :) Yay, Ainsley!!
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