Saturday, December 10, 2011

Ainsley’s Haircut

It was the day before Thanksgiving and Brad was home with the  girls because Kaylee didn’t have school. I was at work and later in the afternoon, with about 30 minutes left to go in my work day, my phone rings. It’s Brad.

Me: Hi! (I actually thought it was going to be Kaylee because she tends to call me from Brad’s phone the most when she’s with him and I’m not home.) It was Brad. Brad: I need tell you about something before you come home and freak out. Me: Ok? Brad: Ainsley decided to cut her own hair. Me: What? Brad: Well, she was suppose to be upstairs napping and she came downstairs. She had a hat on and went outside to play and I was outside with them and noticed her hair was in her face. I called her over so I could fix her hat and when I took her hat off chunks of her hair came out. I said Ainsley you just got us both in big trouble.

Me: (Silence)

Brad: Are you there? Hello?

Me: Yeah

Brad: Are you Ok?

Me: Yeah (Now I’m waiting for the just kidding, because Brad is as bad as the boy who cried wolf. He’s notorious for being with the kids and call me, or when I call him to check in, tell me some crazy story and then say “Just kidding! Everything is fine.” However, the “Just kidding!” never came.

Brad: Are you mad? Are you going to cry?

Me: No (If I’m going to be honest I was biting the inside of my cheeks because I wanted to cry.) How bad is it?

Brad: It’s not as bad as it could have been it’s not to her scalp, but it’s pretty short.

Me: Ok, well I will take her in to get it fixed when I get home.

I realize it is only hair and that there are so many things worse that could happen. I also realize that the hair will grow back and really the cutting of her own hair could have been much worse. But I was: 1. Disappointed in Ainsley because someone who knows how to write their name and knows all their letter name and sounds knows that scissors are not for cutting hair. 2. All her pretty curls that have been there since she was a baby are now goneSad smile.

Now there were a few text pics that came through of her hair and her crying because she knew what she did was wrong. I know that as this little 4 1/2 year old gets older there will be many more situations of her doing things she knows she isn’t suppose toSmile and I also know she is her father’s daughter and will always have that part of her that will do things just to see what happens or because she wants to…just because. Growing pains and learning for all of us.

I put below a photo of Ainsley a couple weeks before “the haircut” and one of her after.


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So…yeah she’s still cute and she’s still our little spitfire, no scissors could ever cut that out!

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