Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Mega Post- 2011

We had a wonderful Christmas!!

Christmas Eve we went to my Dad and Sallie’s house, as is our tradition.

Skyeler and Ainsley hanging out.

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The kids made gingerbread crafts. They could either do a Snoopy doghouse or a sleigh with Santa. The girls all picked the sleighs.

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Some may have been tasting the decorations and frosting as they wentSmile.

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Ainsley playing with Jason Jr.

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We took some photos pre-presents. It’s good motivation for the kidsSmile.

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Dad and Sallie with all their grandkids.

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Grandma Schelle with all of her Great-Grandkids. This was the best photo I got.

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Katie and Jason’s Family.

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Brandon and Nichole, minus the dog’s Lucy and Daisy. 2012 will be a big year for them as they will be married!!

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Finally present time!! Kaylee and her new Squinkie game. One of her many new things.

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Ainsley and her new V-Reader. Can you tell how much she wanted this!

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Grandpa playing a game of Headbands with the kids.

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Dad and Sallie.

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Ainsley showing Great-Grandma how to work her V-Reader.

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We got home and the girls got to work, setting out cookies, milk, and a homemade pretzel for Santa and some carrots for the Reindeer. Ainsley helped Kaylee write a note to Santa.

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Christmas morning-looks like Santa came. This year he brought Kaylee a digital camera, a scrapbook and some scrapbook accessories. Ainsley got a Barbie dollhouse, furniture and a new Barbie. Apparently Santa’s elves were really busy this year and had to send Brad the blueprints for the house. Of course Brad agreed to help and when Santa got to our house on Christmas Eve the house was ready to be set up and have the furniture added to it.

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Checking out their stockings.

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Ainsley playing in her dollhouse.

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Presents galore!!!

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Later in the day Brad’s family came over.

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Grandma and Grandpa with their girls.

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Kristin and I.

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Of course MORE presentsSmile!

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We had a very blessed Christmas. Mostly because we got to spend time with our family!! The girls must have been on their best behavior for most of the year because they sure got some great things!

The last few days have been a lot of cleaning and organizing! I’m still not done. However it gives me something to work on over New Year’s weekend. Yep, I really live the wild lifeSmile!!

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