Tuesday, March 13, 2012

There was snow…a little.

Although you couldn’t tell this week we are technically still in the Winter season. I certainly hope I’m not jinxing us by writing this post. Believe it or not we did have snow this Winter. Not mounds and mounds of snow but there was enough to get out and play in it.

On this day the girls decided it would be fun to run and slide down the driveway on their bottoms.

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Of course Belle needed to get out and play too. She chose not to slide down the driveway rather run after the girls.

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There was certainly a lot of laughing and smiling coming from the outdoors. Made it seem the sun was shining even though the day was overcast.

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While these types of Winter days seemed sparse this year we certainly tried to enjoy them while we had them. I owe that to the girls. They love all seasons, cold or hot, rainy or dry. So when the snow was here they were excited and eager to get out and play. I’m thankful for these reminders of always finding something to be joyful about.

1 comment:

Myra Duffy said...

Yes I share the belief that we should always find something to be joyful about. I love the wonder of the little ones!!!