Sunday, January 27, 2013


This afternoon was the Towanda Elementary School annual Family Skate Night at Skate-n-Place. We are one of 2 elementary schools in Unit 5 that still does a roller skating unit in PE. At the conclusion of the skating unit they have a skate night.

I would be lying if I said this morning, with the threat of ice, I wasn't hoping that maybe that ice would cancel the skate night. The girls were really excited, but honestly I was tired, there was laundry to be done and all of the other activities that seem to accompany my Sundays. Needing to feel all is organized and the house is clean as we start our Monday, and work week, all over again. However there wasn't much of the "ice" we were to get and there was to be no cancellation insight.

After have done the skating I am SO happy we were able to go and the ice stayed away. The girls had so much fun. Skate-n-Place hasn't changed much, if at all, since I went their growing-up. I think maybe they still have the same skates for rent:) We skated and skated and skated for the whole 2 hour event. They still do the Four Corners game and The Limbo. It was so fun to watch Kaylee and her friends, skating, singing, holding hands and dancing. It was fun to watch Ainsley skate all over and be so proud of herself for being a Kindergartner and being out skating. In school the Kindergarten class doesn't get to do the full skating unit and where the roller skates for PE.

I loved the chance to participate in that with them and relive some of my childhood memories all over again with them.

It really was a great day! A day I would love to freeze in time.

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