Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Girls Weekend

Just a quick post, hopefully a photo later, about my Girls Weekend. This past weekend I went to visit my sister-n-law, Kristin, in Chicago. I opted to take the train, as gas is SO expensive! I got up there Friday night around 9. We had a couple drinks and just sat and had very "intellectual" conversations of the gossip magazines we had. Saturday we shopped, shopped and shopped. I have to say I feel fashionably behind times. I have gotten rid of many things over the past year and not really replaced them so I needed to update! I have to say I wasn't overly excited about the new spring stuff, not very colorful. I did get a few things and some stuff for the girls for their birthdays. Then Sat. night we went to dinner at the Grand Luxe. This is the second time I have eaten there and I enjoy it every time! I also have to say while Kristin and I were waiting for our table we were people-watching and I felt much better about my fashion sense. Then Sunday I got ready and came home on the train where Brad and the girls met me with flowers! I was so happy to see them. I had such a great time and enjoyed hanging out with Kristin. It's good to be back though. Kristin-thanks for a fun weekend! Holla!!

1 comment:

Christina said...

Sounds like fun! I always love a girl's weekend. It's good to get out and get some R&R. And kudos to Brad for being a superdad and taking care of the girls and then picking you up with flowers, too. So sweet! Glad you had fun!