Saturday, May 24, 2008

1 Year & 3 Year Results

Friday Brad and I took the girls to the doctor for the annual yearly physicals. This is another nice thing about their birthdays being close together! I would like to say it went smoothly however that would not be true. Kaylee, while physically is fine, she was not very happy to be there. From the moment they asked her to take her shoes off to be measured and weighed it was MELTDOWN OVERLOAD!

Now let me just say I love Kaylee more than I ever thought you could love anyone. She is extremely smart, creative, and can tell jokes like no other. But she is also very Type A and high-strung, very high-strung. So when she is stressed or has anxiety it comes full-force. We were able to get her height, weight, blood pressure, and temperature and she was able to put her shoes back on. After that she mellowed out and was her normal talkative self. However she had to take her clothes off for the rest of the exam and it did not go well. We got everything accomplished but Brad ended up taking her all the way outside to get her calmed down. YIKES! She's doing well about taking deep breaths to calm herself down but it's definitly a work in progress!

Ainsley on the other hand was just fine and even did some of her tricks, like making her fishy noise when asked what a fishy says. She got 3 shots and she didn't cry after the first, she did after the last 2 but I think it was more of a "stop poking me already". We are blessed and thankful to have 2 healthy and happy children, even if they may get a little too close to the edge sometimes!

Here are their stats:

Kaylee McKenna Busing: 38 3/4 inches tall and 35 lbs. She is 97% for height and 90% for weight. She is long and lean and is basically physically and developmentaly a 4 year-old despite only being 3. We were very proud that Kaylee impressed them inspite of her best efforts.

Ainsley Isabella Busing: Our peanut! She is 19lbs. 4oz. and 29 1/2 inches long. This puts her at 60% for Height and 15% for weight! Now she turned 1 on May 1, so we are almost out of May, I can't imagined what her stats would've been if we would've gone closer to her birthday. I'm sure pretty close to what they are now, but I at least thought she would be 20lbs. They said she would probaly always be on the smaller side, although she eats like a horse (she ate 3 graham crackers just waiting for her exam), but that it's mostly just her genetic make-up. No concerns as she consistantly grows.

It's so interesting to have 2 very similar, yet very different children. I think I tend to notice the developmental differences more because they are almost exactly 2 years a part. I think they are a good mix and there differences will able to them to stand on their own and allow them to have a better relationship together.

1 comment:

Jeanie Bree said...

You have two sweet and beautiful young ladies. I loved seeing their baby pictures again...what angels!
It must be really nice to be able to take them both for check-ups at the same time. Lucky you!
Hope you had a nice holiday weekend.