Last Thrusday, May 1 (Ainsley's Golden Birthday), we went to have pictures done. We got an updated family one, which has been posted, and the girls 1 and 3 year birthday pictures. I thought I would have them posted before now but I guess it's only been a week so it could be worse. I realize there are a lot of photos below but I figure since it is a blog about our family most people would expect a lot of photos. Besides it could have been more, we had 107 to choose from! :) Here are my beautiful girls, Kaylee McKenna-3 (will be on 5/17), and Ainsley Isabella-1, enjoy:

Hi Steph,
I like the last one too!!!! I also think the one with the two of them snuggling up against each other's cheek is sweet. What a couple of cute kids. Happy Mother's Day!!!
OMG!! You have BEAUTIFUL children! They all turned out great. Do I feel a 6-pose package?? I haven't had any of the two boys together yet, but I'm sure it will end up being a 6-poser. It works out well that you can get both of their birthday pics at the same time. These are just adorable!
Also, I love the new look of your blog. Very nice!
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