We did a ladybug theme. I'm not sure why but when I see cute ladybug things I think of Ainsley, sort of the way butterflies have always made me think of Kaylee. The weather was really nice and I was so thankful for that! The kids got to play outside and the bouncy house got to be used for the first time this year...OH HAPPY DAY :)
Ainsley did so well. She just sat on my lap during presents and let everyone help her open them and just quietly observed, she danced in her high chair while we sang Happy Birthday and gobbled down her cup cake. Below are some photos of the big day:
Here's the birthday girl, ready to party!

This is a collection of photos, 1 from every month, to see how Ainsley has grown. I'm going to hang it in her room. The little flower pots next to it were placed around the house. They had M&M's with sunflower seeds in tooling, tied with a red and black ribbon, with ladybugs on Popsicle sticks in the middle. I was going to put a creative tag on there but it just didn't get done!
This was one of the gifts Ainsley got, from Grandpa Bentley and Grandma Ginny, it's a Leap Frog Alphabet Train. Ainsley really likes this. I wasn't surprised at how much she enjoys this as Kaylee has a Pooh ride-on that Ainsley is always going for that when we are outside.
This is one of my Grandma Schelle's famous quilts. I love these and feel so blessed that my girls have them too, and also happy I don't have to share mine :) My grandma also made the girls doll carriers and diaper bags (I'll be posting those soon in a tribute post on her talents :) )
The birthday girl after enjoying her cupcake!
A big thanks to everyone who came and helped us celebrate this special little girl's first birthday! Thanks for all of the wonderful gifts and wishes! Thank you cards to be coming soon. I just ordered them...I was waiting for the b-day pictures to be taken....
Thanks for sharing your party pictures. Butterflies remind me of fluttery, delightful beauty and yes I guess that could sum up Kaylee while lady bugs sort of bring up quiet, stately elegance which does fit Ainsley. I always think it is interesting how little ones have their own unique personalities and how those personalities impact their life experiences. I think the art of parenting is crafting life experiences to enhance the interplay of our children's personalities with their environment to bring out the beauty of their souls.
Happy 1st Birthday Ainsley!!! Your party pics were so sweet.
I'm going to say it even though I always say it - I can't believe how fast time flies! This precious little girl is already one?! I remember back in September meeting up with you guys at the park and seeing a little tiny Ainsley all tucked into her infant seat in the stroller. It's amazing how fast time flies.
I love this post - the pictures are so good. Ainsley looks adorable! I'm so impressed with your party planning. I love the ladybug theme. Very cute!
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