Saturday, July 26, 2008
St. Jude Run 1 week to go!
You all know that I don't run, that is Brad's territory. While we did our own letter writing campaign to raise money (thank you so much to all who donated), we also participated in some other fundraisers around the community and on Saturday Brad will run and I will be riding in the catch van, while my mom drives. These vans are where runners can go in between the legs they run. We play music, carry supplies, and runners can keep their extra clothes and shoes that they change into throughout the run. The complete run, as stated above, is 54 miles. Brad is planning to do 13 miles. This isn't straight, there are different legs of the run and the are all around 2 miles. So runners pick the legs they want to run. We will start out at Bergner's, go towards IAA Drive-Vernon-Towanda Ave and then towards Ironwood and out of town toward Hudson, through Kappa, El Paso and then onto Peoria. They go through country roads for safety reasons. There are various stops along the way where people have generously opened their homes to provide runners refreshments and potty breaks.
My dad is going to have the girls in El Paso to see Brad. I'm excited for that and while it is suppose to be VERY warm on Saturday I think it will be a great day. I can't imagine a better cause and our hope is that as the girls get older they will get involved too! Thanks again for everyone's support, when all the final numbers are in I will let you know how successful our team was. Stay tuned...
School Days!

Saturday, July 12, 2008
A new addition to the family....

Happy 4th of July!

After the parade we hung out in the park for a bit and got some lunch and then it was home for naps. After naps we went up to my Dad and Sallie's for Skyeler's 7th and Koen's 5th birthday parties. The girls had lots of fun swimming and playing on the swingset.

We had decided to actually attempt fireworks this year. Yes I know I'm a terrible parent as I've never let my children go to fireworks before. This was really the first year I thought it would be worth it with Kaylee, and Ainsley is pretty mellow so I knew the change in routine wouldn't throw her. Kaylee's pretty routine oriented and until recently sometimes would have difficulties in the change. So I really thought it not worth fighting that battle the last couple of years when she was really too little to know she was missing something. We had talked about taking our boat out on the lake and watching them, but not having done it before we didn't know how the girls would react and didn't want to be stuck out there. So we stopped at Lake Bloomington on the way home and sat on a sleeping bag. Kaylee loved the fireworks and after each one would yell "SCORE" and throw her arm up as to give a big thumbs-up, and often a high-five to Daddy. A little over half way through Kaylee laid down and soon after said she was ready to go. So we left and it worked out well because we weren't stuck trying to leave with all of the other cars. Overall it was a fun, and busy, day and the girls really did a great job!
Here we are at the fireworks. The girls are more focused on the fireworks, which is the direction they are both looking.

Busing Family Photos
Here is Bentley and Virginia (A.K.A. Ginny), who married on August 21, 1971 and started it all!

They had 2 children, Bradley Michael who was born October 9, 1976 and Kristin Suzanne who was born May 27th (3 days before her mom's birthday), 1982
Here is Kristin. She had to do a solo shot. She was soooo excited about that....not really! Although I think she secretly wanted a poster size to put in the window of her apartment (just kidding Kristin). She lives on the 35th floor of her building, downtown Chicago, and you see people with binoculars looking at other buildings. I had to post it because I thought it was pretty funny. She is single so please feel free to submit potential bachelor names. We'll see how long this is on here until I get a call asking me to take it down.

Brad's Dad requested all the "girls" to get a photo together. I thought it turned out to be a great idea. It was a very sweet thought on his part.

Last, but certainly not least, K and A. Since I put all the other birthdays here are their official dates: Kaylee McKenna born May 17, 2005 and Ainsley Isabella born May 1, 2007.

Sunday, July 6, 2008
Duffy Family Party 2008
Playing in the backyard. One of the games was the "Duckie Game". Always a popular one!
Ainsley playing her own version of the "Duckie Game".
Of course a family gathering would never be complete without a pinata!
An added activity this year. My Uncle Bobby decided to climb in one of my Grams' trees and each kid got to get hoisted up and sit for awhile. It is a good climbing tree. Thankfully everyone got down safely. Truthfully I think the only person anyone was worried about was Bobby. Lastly the oldest and one of the youngest trying to solve all of the world's problems! This is one of my new favorite photos and definitely one to cherish.
To Swim or Not to Swim
Kaylee, who has always enjoyed the water, does not love lessons. I think part of it is the kids in her class jump in, on their own, to one of the instructors but she doesn't like this part. The second half of swimming the kids sit on the steps, in the water, and play with water toys while waiting a turn to work with an instructor. The last couple classes she has done this. She knows a some of the other girls in her class and we usually all go to supper after class which as been fun.
The hard part is when we get there Kaylee will usually start getting upset and while we say she doesn't have to get in she is expected to sit with us and watch quietly. She will on and off in between tears. Hopefully the more we go the more use to it she will get. But we will see. At this rate if Kaylee falls in Ainsley will be more than happy to jump in and get her. I guess that's what little sisters are for!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
To come....
1. Duffy Family Party 2008
2. Swim Lessons "Sink or Swim"
Hopefully these will get posted soon!
We got the call....
Yesterday while I was at work Barb called to tell me Kaylee could start July 21. So after talking to Brad, and Karen our sitter, I called back to say we would accept the earlier spot. We had anticipated mid-late August, which is why I wanted to talk to Karen before accepting. I'm very excited because I know she will love it and I am happy that she will start earlier so she will be able to become acclimated to the new school and schedule before the academic portion starts back-up in September. Kaylee has anxiety when she is in new environments with new people, she will eventually warm-up and then be extremely just takes awhile.
She will be in classroom 3 with Miss Gettle and Miss Michaels. Both of whom I worked with and know well. Kaylee has always taken to Miss Gettle very easily and if talk of Montessori came-up so did Miss Gettle, so it was definitely an added bonus that Kaylee will be in that room. Barb was very sweet and new about how much Kaylee likes Miss Gettle and really went out of her way to try and get Kaylee in that room.
I am very excited but a little sad. I knew we would be off to pre-school this year but I still can't believe it's time for this! Stay tuned for our pre-school adventures!