As most of you know we had decided that after Ainsley we wouldn't be having anymore additions to our family. Well to our surprise we were wrong. So we are excited to announce a new addition to the Busing family.....

Toulie the cat! Did I make anyone think the addition was going to be something different? That type of addition would definitely be a surprise as there have been certain measures taken to prohibit that. After Hunter we really thought we wouldn't get anymore cats. Last Saturday I was playing outside with the girls and here came the kitten from the neighbors yard. I assumed it was our neighbors, as they have many outdoor cats, however our neighbor came over to ask if it was ours or if we knew of anyone who lost one.
Apparently the kitty came to their house one day and hasn't been claimed. So long story short the kitty had been sticking around our house and Kaylee got attached. We'd been feeding her, but keeping her outside. So yesterday, Friday, Brad took Abby to the vet for her annual check-up and took the kitty with him. The vet estimated her to be about 11 weeks old and said she was in great shape. No fleas, no worms, no ear mites, and no other type of infection. So we have opted to keep her. She gets along with everyone and is pretty fun to watch.
Great updates. I love reading your's almost like reading a great story, but it's REAL!! Does that make sense? Oh well, see you when you drop off Kaylee.
Toulie must be a smart kitty to pick such a warm and happy family !!!
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