We went to the doctor's on Monday for Ainsley's 18 mos appointment. She has graduated to standing on the big scale now! Here's her stats:
Weight-21 lbs 4 oz (10%)
Height-32 inches (60%)
Head-I don't remember exactly what it was, I'll have to go back and look in my notebook, it was somewhere in the middle, so she's proportionate.
Not a huge gain, 1 pound, but still a gain and we will take it! She's now in double digits for her weight percent as well. Since she's consistently gaining the doctor was happy. Dr. Rosa said that she looks great and is very sharp. We will continue to do the vitamin, whole milk twice a day and then Pediasure or Boost (I think that's what it's called) once or twice a week. As long as she stays healthy we don't have to go back until she is 2. She got her finger pricked and didn't even flinch. Kaylee was there too. She was helping the nurse and doctors. Kaylee was trying to help instruct Ainsley on what to do. Isn't that always the way? The one who is less cooperative at times is always the first to tell everyone else what they should be doing. Both girls got flu shots. They did pretty well with them. Kaylee fought getting it, but once I got a good grip on her, which gets harder to do, she was fine. But with her there has to be some type of drama. I think Ainsley was more upset that Kaylee was upset then having the shot itself. We went to McDonald's and got juice boxes after so all was right with the world again!
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