In looking over photos that I was going to post I realized in my "To Come" list I left out Brad's birthday! Shame on me!! His birthday is October 9th. In Kaylee's wisdom she now wants to know what "kind" of birthday everyone has. As you all know everyone must have themed parties. In asking Brad this he told her she could plan his birthday and she chose a Cars theme for him. It's interesting because she enjoys seeing the various products associated with Cars, but I rented the movie once and she didn't even make it through 1/2.
Some of the things we had set-up. As you can see Ainsley was very interested in the balloon's and Kaylee in the cake.

Kaylee was entertaining us with song for dinner. She really enjoys making up her own songs these days, or taking part from a real song and taking creative liberties with the rest of it.
Here is the cake that Kaylee made! She picked out all the candles and even let Daddy use the Nemo candle from her birthday! 
Getting ready to sing and blow-out the candles.
Ainsley REALLY enjoyed the cake!

Brad was actually out of town the day before his birthday, got back in town the day of his birthday. So the day before the girls and I went to Artful Design to make Brad some gifts. Kaylee painted a mug and we did a hand print platter for him to use when grilling. He didn't get these until about a week later, but it's hard to find time to go there when he wasn't traveling, so we had to seize that opportunity and then we went to Party City to get things for the Cars party. We got some balloons, plates, napkins and a candle. Then went home to make the cake. Kaylee is also really into making everyone a cake for their birthday. So Grandpa Bentley be prepared as your birthday is rapidly approaching! On Brad's birthday we set everything out for him so he would see it on the counter when he came home. I should say I had set some stuff out and Kaylee rearranged it. Such a party planner...has to have that control.
Most importantly Brad had a good birthday and was very proud of the initiative Kaylee took in his party. I know it meant a lot to him and of course he means the world to us. Here are some of our photos:
Some of the things we had set-up. As you can see Ainsley was very interested in the balloon's and Kaylee in the cake.

Kaylee was entertaining us with song for dinner. She really enjoys making up her own songs these days, or taking part from a real song and taking creative liberties with the rest of it.

Getting ready to sing and blow-out the candles.

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